Monday, June 20, 2016

Crash, Boom, Bang

Yep, that's what happened to the old computer this weekend. It  was laid to rest on Saturday. It wasn't a pretty death either.   I'm still in mourning - and trying to see if any of the stores have a 100 percent off coupon for a new one.   It's going to be a while before you see me again I'm afraid.   Just hope I can figure out how to operate a new one. Surely I'm not too old to learn something new.....hopefully!

I'll be back as soon as I can.



  1. Oh no Lynn !!! this always pick to go at the worst time !! I hope you get a new one sorted soon. Take care xxx

  2. Oh no! Hate it when computers go bad! Hope you can get back "online" again soon!! Sending hugs and sympathy!! :)

  3. Hi Lynn, how awful for you and your poor computer. Take care and hugs to you and Jim.
    Linda xxxx

  4. OH no! Those computer crashes are the worst. Just the withdrawals will kill ya. ;-) I am positive you will be able to learn a new one. I still mourn for XP, but technology moves on. Take care!

  5. So sorry this happened Lynn. Hope you can get another computer soon!

  6. I feel your frustration, Lynn! I hate changing computers! And you are certainly not too old to learn a new system. The challenge is what keeps us young!

    Hugs, my friend, until we see you again!

  7. Awwww hurry back Lynn!!! and sorry to hear about your computer dying on you :(( huggles Sue xx

  8. Oh gosh, sorry, Lynn. I hope you are able to find a good deal on a new one!! Good luck!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  9. I hope its not to long Lynn, before you can get another PC we will all be missing you
    Kevin xx

  10. Awww Lynn, I'm so sorry. Soon I'm going to be joining you I'm sure as I'm walking on glass around my PC too :( Good luck!

  11. What a bummer, Lynn. I always go into panic mode when it happens, so I feel your pain. Hang in there, and I hope you can find something easy to use.

  12. OH Lynn Im SOOOO sorry!! I hope you find that 100% off coupon my friend :) Learning a new one is scary too lol!!

  13. Oh Lynn - mourning with you, and hoping that you find one of those 100% off coupons too... you will be missed

  14. Oh I dislike having to learn new things. Us "oldies" are just fine with old things in our lives, no need for change, I say. LOL Thanks for letting us know though because I, for one, would have been worried if I hadn't seen you around. I can't say have fun shopping for a new computer, because I know it won't be, but I guess you can make the best of it.

  15. I can totally relate to your mourning your old computer. But I have no doubt that you will be able to learn a new one! Now I just pray and hope that you can get that 100 percent coupon for one! lol Big hugs, Brenda

  16. Oh, Lynn, so sorry about this! The new ones have Windows 10 and I hope my old Windows 7 computer will hang on forever. Wishing you all the best. You certainly didn't need this on top of everything else. Sending hugs...

  17. Sorry to hear about your computer Lynn. I don't like getting a new computer either but after a couple of days I love it. You'll have no problem at all figuring out a new computer :)
    Hugs, Tammy

  18. Sincere commiserations Lynn. No, you're not to old to learn new tricks. Hope you get sorted out soon. hugs Sharon

  19. Sorry to hear of your old computer's passing. I hope it rests in peace and you can get a new one soon. I am sure you will learn to use it...

    Lots of love,


  20. Hi honey, thanks for popping over to my blog. So nice hearing from you but sorry to hear of the demise of your computer. What about getting a second-hand one, instead of a new one? When our work got us all new laptops, we had the option of purchasing our old ones for a minimal amount, which I did. I then blessed my cousin's son with it for his school projects. He was over the moon with delight! Hang in there. hugs Sharon

  21. Oh Lynn! I'm so sorry to hear this! I had the same thing happen to me a few months ago, so I sympathize with the frustration. Praying that a solution can be found for you quickly and cheaply! Hugs!
