Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Harley-Days

I have about fifteen more Christmas cards to make! Yikes! I need to get them done no later than this weekend - which is scary - so I can get them mailed. I WILL do it though. I made three of these "Harley" cards (for two nephews and a couple that "ride"). Thought they came out pretty cute but seem to just need "something" and I'm not really worrying about what they need since I have to get all my cards done! I think I will make a promise to myself that starting in January I will make at least three Christmas cards a month. That way I'll have them all completed in time!!!!!!!

This layout is from an old SCS card sketch. I used Real Red and Silver and some unknown patterned paper. I stamped the Stampabilities Snoopy and Sidekick in Momento and colored it with Bic markers. I then cut it out, added Liquid Glass to the helmet and windshield and popped it up on dimensionals. After looking at it I thought it needed more of a Christmas-sy look so I stamped a Santa hat from a Christmas stamp and added it to Woodstocks head. It's a little large for his head, but I thought it was kinda cute. Of course I had to add a bit of glitter to the hat.

Thanks for stopping by...............



  1. Hehe! You decked him out for Christmas and he is looking so cool!

  2. Very cute card. Love the title. I also wish you luck with the 2 xmas cards a month. Didn't work for me. Maybe this coming year.

  3. This is soooo cute.Love the stamp. Yes,The santa hat is a cute idea.:)

  4. Oh my! This totally made me laugh out loud! Too cute. Great idea about doing Christmas cards through the year as well!

  5. Very cute card! I love the colors and the layout!

  6. wow - what a FABULOUS card! I LOVE Snoopy!! You've got a lucky recipient!!!!

  7. How cute!! Snoopy and Woodstock 2 of my son's favorite characters. Really fabulous card.

  8. This is a really fun card!!! I love the direction you chose to put the stripes on the patterned paper... it gives it a sense of motion!!! Love the color combination... great card!!!

  9. Such a super fun image. My mom would love this. She has been a fan of Snoopy since the 70s.
