Monday, October 25, 2010

Simply a Birthday

This is a VERY clean and simple card.....and it's a CASE from "Ambouth" over at SCS. I saw hers and thought how pretty it was so decided to CASE it. I will tell you this though - she tied her ribbon a lot prettier that this one!!!

I used Certainly Celery, White, and Brocade Blue. The butterflies were made using the Beautiful Wings die. One of these days I'm going to make a card with it covered in butterflies....this die just makes the cutest!

Thanks for stopping by.............



  1. Simple elegant, Lynn! I love the embossed swirls and double butterfly!! What a great birthday card!

  2. Very pretty card, I think the CAS cards sometimes make the most elegant and I like how you stamped then ran it through with the EF. Say Hi to Rambo, tell not to be too hard on the squirrels.

  3. Love this stylish card, Lynn. Why is that true elegance is always simple and subdued like this card? The blue and green butterfly looks gorgeous and the ribbon is just right. Your card stands out loud and clear...

    xxx Monica

  4. Just beautiful Lynn. Love the embossing!

    Jenn :)

  5. Great Lynn!!! Love that CB folder!!! It makes for such nice CAS cards :)

  6. Love it! That embossing folders is one of my all time favs! Might have to CASE this! :)

  7. Love the swirly embossing and the butterfly on there. I think I remember seeing the original card on SCS. Great card to CASE and great job with yours.

  8. This is clean, simple and gorgeous! Love that white background and the Certainly Celery with that pop of blue is great! I have to get that butterfly die myself as it is really so pretty. :)

  9. Lynn..this is beautiful. Don't yah just love getting inspiration from other fellow crafters. Awesome card hun!

  10. Too pretty for such clean and simple! Beautiful card.

  11. lovely CAS card...but then you are so talented it's no surprise...i think i need to CASE this one

  12. p.s. i kind of did CASE this w/o trying...did a CAS christmas swap and my card is similar...great minds?...or am i just inspired by your talent?

  13. Love this CAS card - so beautiful!

  14. Oh wow, this is lovely Lynn, so elegant. Love the embossing and the color of the ribbon with the white really makes it pop. Gorgeous!
    Hugs, Christine

  15. It's just perfect. I love the CAS look and the colors look so crisp with the white.

  16. Lovely CAS card, love the colors and the embossing!

  17. I like your choice of swirly embossed background. The color combo is nice - especially with all the white. I think your bow looks quite nice as is.

  18. Clean and simple plus beautiful
