Friday, December 17, 2010

Bum Steer Award

If you're from Texas, more than likely you've read Texas Monthly magazine. At the end of every year the magazine publishes the Bum Steer Awards for truly outrageous things that have happened in Texas for that year - for example: In a cost-saving move, Texas A & M University decided to stop stocking student dorm bathrooms with toilet paper! Yikes!! Anyway, the TOP Bum Steer Award this year went to the University of Texas Longhorns and the Dallas Cowboy football teams. Talk about a non-winning year for both!! This is NOT good because Texans DO love their football!

So, this little card is dedicated to all the UT Longhorn football fans (burnt orange is the teams colors)! Don't you just love those eyes on this little guy! He looks about as sad as all the Longhorn football fans have looked this year.

This card will actually be a birthday card for my brother in law (a die hard UT football fan). The image is from Kah-Wink-E-Dink. I'm not sure where that patterned paper came from. I colored him with Prismapencils and used SU card stock. The big brad with the star in the middle is from SU.

This is for the following challenges: Creative Inspirations Paint (inspired by a star) and the sketch from Tuesday Morning Sketches.

Thanks for stopping by...............



  1. Great image for a Longhorns fan. The eyes are too cute.

  2. I love this card and my nephew is a Fan so he would love it too! Thanks for sharing it with us on the Creative Inspirations paints blog.

  3. Hi Lynn,

    What an appropriate card for your bro-in the jute string and yes, the eyes say a lot!!! Such great colouring, too.

    xxx Monica

  4. Lynn, this is the cutest EVER! Love the UT colors and that little guy looks pretty disappointed with his team. :( It has been a tough year for them, that's for sure. I'm sure your brother will get a kick out of this one! I just love everything about this card, right down to that star brad! Perfect!

  5. He is so cute! I love his wacky eyes!! The DP is just perfect Lynn!

    Warm Wishes

  6. Another great card Lynn.. that image is such a hoot!

  7. I still love my horns. *sniff* Even though this has been a bad season. Love this great card.

  8. Awww, what a sad (but terrifically colored)long horn! I love the orange and that plaid paper!
    If you can believe - my hubby is a CT long-horn fan! He's got the T-shirt to prove it!!!

  9. Your brother will love this and hopefully bring the smile that it brought me, even if the team did not bring a lot of smiles to their fans. I love the colors, you nailed it and that poor little longhorn with those eyes, just priceless.

  10. This card is too fun, makes me smile. I need to get that image and color it in Dallas colors for my SIL!

  11. What a fun card, as soon as I saw it it made me smile! I love the eyes, star hardware and twine!

  12. I enjoyed reading the story behind the card - it's adorable! What a funny image. Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  13. Oh my goodness, this is too CUTE! The expression on his face makes me laugh out loud. Love it!
    Hugs, Christine

  14. Love the face on him, he's too cute!! Beautiful card! Thanks for joining us at Creative Inspirtaion Paints!!


  15. Is this ever cute! Fun image. That'll be a cute card for your brother!

  16. Yes, we longhorn fans have had a rough year, but this delightful steer brought a big smile to my face!! I love it!! Looks kind of like Bevo with a hangover!! Sensational work, Lynn!

  17. How adorable, Lynn! What a cutie he is, although he's a little forlorn about the teams, lol! I LOVED your post! The bum steer awards, rofl - now that's something that is probably worth a laugh to read (but not be the winner, right? LOL!) TOO Cute - love the design and the twine - priceless!

  18. Oh my!! this just made me smile!! So dang cute!!
    Thanks for playing with us at TMS.

  19. He is too cute. Thank you for sharing him with us at Creative Inspirations Paint.

  20. Just love the card. One our good friends is a Texas fan and would love this one. Cute website.

  21. Oh Lovely card, Such a cute image and love the colour Kaz ( GTD TMS)

  22. That's really funny! Love that plaid paper and the image is too funny. My husband and in-laws are from Texas so I have heard lots about the football season this year!

  23. heehee adorable story...and awesome card. I'm sure your BIL will love it..umm maybe. LOL

  24. I love it Lynn whatever the card is for :) Love the bright orange colors, layout and twine. Its perfect

  25. This is a perfect image for the team idea- and love your DSP and card layout too! Thanks for the smile! And, thanks for playing in the CI paint challenge again!

  26. LOL! That's one wonderfully funny card! :o)

    I remember one year my beloved Hokies played UT in the Sugar Bowl. I was stunned--*STUNNED* I tell you!--another college team had burnt orange as a color! Crazy.

  27. Very cute. I like the plaid paper and silver star. Very TX.

  28. So fun!!! :) Popping on from Feline Playful, can't wait to see what you have in store for us new Followers! :)
