Monday, March 14, 2011

Digging in the Dirt

Well, spring has almost arrived in South Texas. I say "almost" because there's always that chance of one more cold front sneaking in from up north. We don't usually plant our garden until the first week in April - just to be on the safe side. But right now the weather is gorgeous so I just had to make a card with this little image (J.J. Gardening) from Bugaboo. She really is a cutie all decked out in her little dress, boots, and gloves. This is NOT how I dress though when I'm digging in the dirt and putting in a garden!!!

I used some Real Red, Daffodil Delight, white, and black textured card stock along with some DP from Recollections. I colored J.J. using several SU markers and some Prisma pencils. The bow did not come out like I wanted at all....looks rather flat! I'm just going to blame that on flimsy ribbon though! I received the little "seed" button from Maria (thanks again).

Thanks for stopping by..........



  1. I love that little seed button, it is perfect here. Love that image too, the flower pot on her head is too funny. Here's hoping Spring will be here soon. I am so ready to get out in my garden too!

  2. This is just darling! Looks like me when I'm gardening :) And I know what you mean about one more change in the weather - we have been near 90's for weeks and now have sweaters on again - and this is Miami in March! Love all your reds and the little note on the twine - beautifully done!

  3. the seed button is adorbs! and what are you talking about? your bow looks fantastic!

  4. Awesome card and I bet you look even better when you plant your garden! Love the seed button, really cute.

  5. I love these funny images that you use. The red twine looks so natural and the seeds go so well. Like her red boots and pretty dress.

    xxx Monica

  6. I love this card Lynn! Bugaboo JJ is too cute! You are so lucky to plant in April. We don't plant until the week after Mother's Day.


  7. Love your red, black, white color combo! I think your bow is devine -- must be you're disappointed because you had a different visual image in your head! :-) Shall I make you all jealous by telling you that my garden plot is dug, raked, and ready and I'll be planting the the little seedlings this afternoon? They all burst through the soil in their (indoor) pots about a week ago and we won't get freezing temps again this spring so I can safely put them out. (Big smile!)

  8. I like the colour combo, the image is brilliant and i like the seed button.
    Kevin xx

  9. your image is such a hoot-and you turned it into such a cute card-our tulips have poked through the ground-but we know the cold and maybe even the snow is not done with us yet in PA

  10. Lynn, you make me smile with all of these adorable images you use! :) I love that she is perfectly put together to dig in the dirt. Haha! Fun color combo and lovin' that fabulous bow! :)

  11. Hi Lynn ,your card is stunning.


  12. OK - so many great things on this card. I LOVE the ribbon bow!! So great that you used three loops. I think it really helps since the ribbon is 'flimsy'
    The button looks great on this card too :) (You are welcome!!)

    and the image is too cute. Yes, not too many women garden in dresses, I suppose!!! I saw my first crocuses today out on a walk! Yipeee!!!!

  13. What a great image and card, love it, wearing a dress to garden, well isn't that what every proper Texan wears, not to mention makeup :) It is cool up here right now and will be in the 30's tonight, then up to the 80's towards the end of the week, hopefully this is the last cold front.

  14. I'm jealous of your gorgeous weather. I like how you used the polka dot paper to mat the image because I really like the polka dots on the scallop border.

  15. Great card - love that image and our layout! :)

  16. This is the "vogue" gardener for sure! I don't know of anyone that dresses like this for gardening, but it sure does make a great card! TOo cute!
