Monday, October 17, 2011

Snowman Love

First of all I'll like to thank everyone for all the well wishes, thoughts, and prayers for my husband.  The surgery went well on Friday and we were finally able to come home yesterday (Sunday) evening.  Now the fun begins I'm afraid - taking care of the incision that runs from his groin all the way past his knee and trying to keep him from doing too much!  Of course, right now he can't do much of anything except get from the kitchen area to the bedroom.  But, all is well, and we're good to go (as long as my patience holds up! LOL).
Thank you, again.

It's time for the Stamps R Us Challenge - themed Nature's Gift.  Come on over and play along for this challenge.  You have two weeks to enter and our sponsor for a fabulous prize is Heart Song Designs - who also provided us with all the cute images you'll see from the DT at Stamps R Us Challenges.

The image I used is called Snowmen Love.  I colored (shaded) it with some Prisma pencils and Copics and framed it with a nestie.  The blue background was done with the Snowflake embossing folder and in the center of the bow I used a snowflake rhinestone sticker.

Thanks for stopping by............I'll be getting by everyone's blog in the next day or two so bear with me on this.  Just very tired right now.  It's been a very LONG three days!



  1. Of course I read this after my email :) Glad hubby is home and doing fairly well, under the circumstances. Remember to get as much rest as you can and don't worry about blogging, I am sure all your friends understand. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery. Your card is adorable, what a sweet little snowman and love the colors and the little embellie on the ribbon.

  2. Glad to know that all is well in your corner of the world. I'm sure you're the best nurse and he will be a good patient under your care! Will keep you both in my prayers.

    Love your card and the pretty colors you used.

  3. Lynn, I am so happy everything went well with your husband's surgery and that he is home resting. I hope his recovery goes well. Keeping you in my thoughts. Your card is adorable. Of course, I am loving that pretty pink bow and that sparkly snowflake. So pretty! Big hugs, friend! :)

  4. Oh Lynn I do not envy you the nursing duties!! Hope he is a good patient LOL. I love your card, pink and blue are a favorite of mine. Your coloring is fabulous and I love the nestie layers and that beautiful bow! take care my friend and hang in there!

  5. Lynn, so glad to hear all went well and I hope your hubby has a speedy recovery. Thinking of you and I am sure you will be fab looking after him.

    Your card is is beautiful I love the soft pastel colours. The image is just so cute too.

    Linda xxx

  6. Lynn, You news of a successful surgery was wonderful to hear and I'll continue to pray that the recovery goes smoothly. You just tell DH to behave for you. LOL. Your card is just precious. Love the coloring and that snowflake is just perfect. The pick and blue go so well together. Thanks for sharing and keep your chin up.

  7. I'm glad that your husband's surgery went well and that you are back at home. Wishing him a speedy recovery (and you too). Your card is lovely! Beautiful colours and embossing, and that bow and snowflake card are fabulous. I love that image, too and you coloured it so beautifully.

  8. Glad to hear all went well with the op, wishing him a speedy recovery, your cards is gorgeous, I like that big bow and the gorgeous snowflake.
    Kevin xx

  9. This is super beautiful, Lynn! Love the pink and blue - awesome combo together and the lovely blingy snowflake is perfect. I'm so glad your hubby is doing well in his recovery - it's always hard NOT to worry, but truly He will comfort and guide you thorugh this all! Love ya! x0x0

  10. I'm so glad your hubby is doing well Lynn and big hugs to you!!
    Your card is ADORABLE!! I love the colors and the bling!!

  11. Happy to hear the surgery went well. Don't forget to keep your strength up too. Love your cute card and the soft colors - it's adorable!

  12. Super sweet image!!! I love the pink and blue on this card!! That rhinestone snowflake is gorgeous!!!

    Take care of your hubby AND yourself!!!!

    Maria :)

  13. So very pleased to hear that your dear hubby's operation went well. Now we pray for a full recovery. Uhhhh good luck there Nurse Lynn... not going to be easy (wink wink), but we'll be holding thumbs for you too (men are NOT the best patients). A stunning card... I just LOVE the pink Lynn, most unusual colour for you, but it looks soooo GOOD! I love that ribbon honey and before you dash off to buy me some hehehe, I have it!!! woohoooo Always a pleasure visiting you, hugs Sharon x

  14. That massive bow is gorgeous. What a beautiful card, it's sooooooooo pretty. xxx

  15. Love your Beautiful card Lynn! Just a Darling image and I love the soft colors you chose to pair it with. So Pretty! Gorgeous rhinestone snowflake too! 8-)

    Big Hugs

    P.S. keeping fingers and toes crossed that your patience stays intact. 8-)

  16. I'm glad your husband is doing well. I hope he has a speedy recovery.
    Sweet card! You did a great job with the color choice and coloring.

  17. Glad to know the surgery went well, Lynn. Keeping you both in my prayers for quick, gentle healing. Love the card and that's one of my favorite HS images! You've done him proud! I'm off to post a card to Stamps R Us in just a few minutes. Hugs, dear friend.

  18. I'm sorry I missed the post about your hubby's surgery. So pleased to hear it went well. I'll be praying for your patience to last (smile). I love this soft palette you have used for your perfectly wintery card. Great job.

  19. How wonderful that the surgery went well and your DH is on the may need a little extra chocolate to help with your patience...LOL!!! Your card is sooo cute, Lynn...the colors are so soft and pretty and I love the sweet little snowman!!!

  20. Hi Lynn,

    I was away on vacation - just read your post. Glad that the surgery went well. Happy helping dear hubby... keep crafting and the patience will come automatically. LOl.
    This card is so pristine, soft and elegant. LOVE that glittery snowflake.

    Get well soon wishes to DH.

    xxx Monica

  21. Oh my gosh Lynn, this is CUTE!! I love the soft pink and blue colors, and that blinged out snowflake is fantastic!! I really like the deckled edges, and embossed background too! NJ!

  22. Beautiful! Loving the soft pastel colors!

  23. So glad everything went well! I helped my Mom be primary caregivers for my Dad after his stroke, so I understand your concerns! Will say an extra prayer for your sanity!
    Incredibly beautiful card! Love the soft, cool feeling! The image is awesome and I LOVE the snowflake bling!

  24. Oh this is so sweet! I love the soft colors and the beautiful snowflake embellie.

  25. Wonderful card- love the sweet digi- really love the card colors- pink and blue- my favorite : ) Great ribbon and bling too.

  26. Beautiful card hun & im glad to hear your hubbys op went well...*fingers crossed* he behaves himself & relaxes so he heals...Take care the both of you :D
    hugs and xxx

  27. Your card is beautiful and sending well wishes and strength to both of you!
