Monday, October 31, 2011

SRU Masculine Challenge

The challenge at Stamps R Us for the next two weeks is themed Masculine.  Show us your "guy" cards and you may be a winner!  Our sponsor is Doodle Pantry, who provided our DT with several very nice images.  The one I selected to use is called Vintage Auto.  Great image for a guy - or I guess you could color it pink and make it for a female! LOL!

I used some SU card stock, DP, and antique brads for this and then colored it with Copics.  Not much shading was done though.  If you want to see some beautiful coloring and shading on this image check  out the rest of the DT's creations on the blog.  I did another attempt at distressing and then topped it with some chocolate brown ribbon.  Also added a couple of mini brads to the wheels.

Sending big hugs to everyone regarding my husband.  We got back home from the hospital yesterday and he's doing pretty good I guess.  We're just taking it day by day now.  He had some mega serious infections inside the incision from the bypass but hopefully they're getting it all cleared up now.  I never in my wildest dreams ever saw myself as a caregiver - but I'm learning real fast now.  I'm trying to catch up on all my commenting on everyone's blog - and will eventually get it done (maybe!).  I'm not sure when I'll post again this week as it just seems like there's a million and one things that have to be done.    Thanks again so very much.  I feel like I personally  know each and every one of you and I appreciate you being so supportive. 

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Your card is gorgeous Lynn! I'm sorry you and Jim are going through this rough time and hope that he's on the road to recovery now. Hugs, Jan

  2. I was just going to write you tonight to see how things are going. Glad he is home from the hospital and recuperating. Sorry you both had to experience this.

    Don't even stress about visiting blogs -I'm sure EVERY SINGLE blogger would understand if you took some time off! Do what you've got to do at home!!!

    Great job with the card. Maybe coloring some images will give you a little break from being a nursemaid!! LOL

    Love the brads added to the wheels too!


  3. Lynn, great card and I love how you added the brads to the wheels, Smart thinkin' girl. I like the b/g paper and the brown bow. Know there are many of us out here that have you and your Hubby in our thoughts and prayers. Being a caregiver is a very large responsibility and can be very tiring, so just don't let yourself get overwhelmed. Let others help you when they can. I wish I were closer to help. I love being a caregiver. Have a good night and we'll see you when you get around to it. No rush.

  4. It is a really great guy card and I hope your hubby is doing better!! Don't worry about us. We will be here. What a scare that can be after such a serious surgery too!

  5. Don't even worry about popping around blogland and leaving comments! Your husband's well being takes priority over the rest of it, and we'll all be waiting here when you catch your breath and get that hubby of yours back on the road to good health! So sorry for both of you to have to suffer these complications :(
    Your card turned out great however, and I love all the masculine touches you've added to it! NJ!

  6. Great job!!! Such a great idea to add the brads on the wheels, the creative one you are. Take care of hubby and don't forget yourself.

  7. I love this paper from SU Lynn - you created such a wonderful masculine card! Great work!

  8. This is Awesome Lynn! Love the brads on the wheels! So Creative! and the dp's are just Fabulous! perfect match! And don't you worry about us! Would much rather know that you and your DH are doing well and we will be here when you get back! Promise! 8-)

    Big hugs to you!
    Shannon 8-)

  9. Awesome card Lynn. And speaking of awesome, you are one awesome lady! Take good care of hubby and yourself, everything else can wait.

  10. What a fabulous car. Love how you did the shading! Fabulous checkerboard paper. So glad to see you back, my friend. I'm sure everyone understands that the caregiver part must come first. Hugs.

  11. Awesome masculine card!! I love the distressing and the fabulous bg paper! Lynn, you and your husband will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! Sending Big Hugs, Tammy

  12. Oh Lynn, what a loving and caring care giver you must make and with the bonus of having a great sense of humour as well.

    Thanks so much for the update... it must not be easy but I do so hope that the worst is over for him. Wish I lived closer to atleast send him flowers and give you a big hug for handling the show so well.

    And now to this AWESOME card... LOVE it so much. The distressed look is too good. And the papers and image are to die for. So rugged, so masculine.

    xxx Monica

  13. Fantastic masculine card! Love the distress edges and that paper. Take care of yourself as well as your husband. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  14. Your card is just beautiful, Lynn - continued hugs and happy thoughts are being sent your way. Hang in there, and know that you have my prayers! x0x0

  15. Lynn, I just read about your DH. Sending good thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery. I hope you are taking care of yourself too because sometimes when someone we love is ill, we forget to do that. Love the car card by the way.


  16. Lynn a fabulous masculine card. I do love brown and blue together they look stunning on your card.

    Greetings to you and your hubby and I will keep you both in my prayers.

    Linda xxxx

  17. What a fabulous image and perfect for male or female I think!
    So sorry to hear your husband has been so ill and I wish him a speedy recovery. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. Vx

  18. Love the colors and the distressing is a perfect touch!

  19. Love this great masculine card with it's vintage car and fun squares.

    Skip my blog and go give your hubby a kiss!

    Hugs to you both, Lynn!

  20. So fun to see you use a Doodle Pantry image! This is a fabulous masculine card and I love the papers and metal brads you used! Hugs, Karen

  21. Hello Lynn, Im praying for you and your husband. I hope everything is going ok for both of you.

    As always you rock on your masculine cards. I love the image. and for the mooning elf, thats a fun card to send for christmas.haha. Your friend Laura

  22. Fabulous card, Lynn! Keeping your husband in my thoughts and prayers...and hoping for a speedy recovery as well as some fun times ahead for you!

  23. Very nice classic card! Like the image. Hope your husband will get well soon.

  24. What an awesome guy card, lynn...I just love the car image and you have used such pretty papers and details!!! I sure glad you DH is home...sorry about all the complications after his surgery...hopefully, he will continue to heal and feel better every day!! Take care of yourself, too!!!

  25. Lynn I hope your husband gets well lots of prayers and hugs for you guys. Your in my thoughts!!

  26. This is a PERFECT masculine card!! What a great image! :) Home is a good place to be when healing! Hope you can find a little quiet time despite the busy days to take a deep breath. Will be thinking of you!

  27. This is a gorgeous masculine card, Lynn! I love that paper paired with the stamped image. Keeping you and your husband in our thoughts. Big hugs! :)

  28. Fabulous card Lynn and such a perfect 'guy' card! Even the ribbon is masculine and those papers make the image pop!

  29. What a great masculine card! I love the BG DSP- I was trying to think of what I could do with it...Thanks! I will keep you and your hubby in prayers for a speedy recovery!

  30. this is a great guy card Lynn-love the image-glad to hear that your hubby is doing better-praying for strength for you to care for him

  31. Such a great card! The distressing and the brads in the wheels are wonderful!
    Praying that all will be better soon! Don't feel the least bit sorry about taking time for family!! We'll all still be here when you have time! Be sure to take care of yourself as well!

  32. Perfect do for this image! Still thinking of and praying for you. Somehow God gives us strength to put one foot in front of the other. Best... Your blogging' buddy, Nancy

  33. Lynn, hugs and prayers for both of you.
