Sunday, November 6, 2011


So many have been making pretty cards with that poinsettia die from Spellbinders.  I started checking into maybe purchasing one but kept holding back since the only time I'd use it is at Christmas...and what else can you do with a poinsettia die, except make a poinsettia!  (I'm sure some one will come up with something else to do with the die, but I just can't think of anything right now) 

So, being the "cheap-o" that I am, I went on a search for a poinsettia that was just the right size.  Since I live in a very small town, the only places you could find this type of thing are at Walmart or the Dollar Store.

Ah...the Dollar Store - I can always find all kinds of junk in there to come home with!  They had these very tiny flower pots with poinsettia's sticking out of them and some little gold balls on a stick.  Sounds tacky and trust me, they really are!  However, it was just the right size I needed.

I disassembled the entire pot of poinsettias and started from scratch with all the pieces.  After putting it together I sponged Bravo Burgundy on the edges of the leaves and then  used a glitter pen to kind of highlight them.  The sentiment (SU) was embossed in gold.

A very CAS card and there were enough flowers in that tacky little pot to make about six or eight cards.

I'll enter this in the challenges at Mark's Finest Papers (fall or winter theme), Crimbo Crackers (Christmas/Anything Goes), and Clearly I Stamp (color challenge).

Thanks for stopping by................


  1. It is such an elegent card Lynn, if you hadn't have said where you got the poinsettia, I never would have guessed. we have simlar stores here to.
    Kevin xx

  2. Another winner Lynn and I love the poinsettia story too. The card is so striking in its simplicity and that smokin flower is perfect!

  3. Tacky to treasure. I love this! The clean lines and the bright white really makes the red pop. What a gorgeous Christmas card!!!!

  4. Beautiful card!!! I bought some poinsettia sprigs at the Dollar Store last year, I will have to go dig them out! Very pretty!

  5. What a beautiful card!! So very elegant!

  6. Girl...This is one stunning CAS card! :)

  7. Stunning card...clean & simple but sooo effective hun & love the poinsettia too!!
    hugs and xxx

  8. It's gorgeous. I love poinsettias. Greta find at the Dollar Store. Thanks for joining Speedy the Cats Friends.

  9. Hehehe - I'm just the same!! We have poundshops here in the UK and they are a treasure trove for junk but great for cardmaking! Thank you for joining in at Crimbo Crackers – hope you can join me again for the next challenge! Crimbo Crackers

  10. This is absolutely STUNNING!! :) I never find anything good at my dollar store!! You did great!! I think I may have to go by mine this week and see what's NEW!!

  11. Awesome work with your deconstructed dollar store finds, Lynn! What a gorgeous holiday card!!

  12. I love your creativity and yes - the dollar store rocks sometimes! (my mom thinks it rocks ALL the time!!). Love that you got what you wanted anyway just by thinking outside the box and I think that it looks great!! I love all the greenery behind it as well :)

  13. OMG!!! Lynn, I have been looking for a die poinsettia. I even emailed a lady asking where she got hers. But You just gave me a great Idea. I love it. Im going to go search at the dollar store. What a beautiful christmas card. TFS

  14. I love cheap finds at the Dollar Stores that can convert in to something as beautiful as your card! Magnificently done, Lynn. You know I'm going to CASAE this one, don't you, my friend?

  15. Fabulous Lynn! How clever of you, I would never had thought to take it apart and reassemble it. Love your cleverness!

  16. You are so funny, Lynn. Your tacky pot made one really gorgeous and lovely card!!! I hope your husband is doing well too!

  17. this is so pretty Lynn and the poinsettias are pretty-sounds like you use your craft dollars wisely

  18. Wow Lynn! Love that poinsettia - that has made for a very elegant card!! So pretty!

  19. I think your card is just fabulous Lynn. Amazing what one can do with a little bit of creativity. Good for you! hugs Sharon x

  20. How clever... love your card, Lynn, so EFFECTIVE and pretty.

    xxx Monica

  21. Beautiful classic card, Lynn and a clever idea for the poinsettia. I think I may need to take a trip to the dollar store and see what holiday treasures ours has in :)

  22. Love what you did with your Dollar Store find! Beautiful card!

  23. Wow!! Wow!! this just pops and is so beautifully bold. Love it. Great way to be frugal.

    Thanks for playing in the color challenge at
    Hope to see you again on the 18th when the new challenge is released.

  24. What a gorgeous card, Lynne! Thanks for playing along in CIC39 :D

  25. I thought you bought the die (:
    Your dollar store find is cool! It perfect for your card, love it!

  26. This is gorgeous Lynn! I love that poinsettia and the touch of glitter on the edges!! I also love the dollar store, that's where some of my flowers come from too!

  27. Fantastic CAS card:) It looks stunning..I love the flower...:)

  28. Absolutely stunning card Lynn!!! I love poinsettias and yours looks amazing.

    Linda xxxx

  29. Don't you just love when a bargain turns into a treasure!! I'm always looking through the clearance sections for things like this! The inking and glitter on the petals really had a dramatic effect on this! Love it!!

  30. Gorgeous stuff going on here!! What a great idea to go to the Dollar Store, ours is not so great :( Your card is beautiful, love the CAS with the red just shining through.

  31. Lynn, you are a genius. I'd never thought to go to the dollar store, but know I think I should take a trip there. Your card is fabulous

  32. This made me laugh! I'd never have guessed that's where the poinsettia came from! Now THAT'S creativity! :) Your card turned out beautifully!

  33. Wow, I agree- I would have thought Joanns or Mikes flower section - what a nice score! SuPER cute! Love the color scheme - nicely done, Lynn!

  34. That is one fabulous looking poinsettia, are going to have a whole heard of stampers descending on every Dollar Store in the state!!!!

  35. Beautiful card! I love the dollar store too! lol Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  36. You are so resourceful Lynne! The doctored poinsettia looks perfect on your CAS design.

  37. Very beautiful CAS poinsettia card, Lynn! I am gonna try my luck in the dollar stores near me!!:D

  38. Fabulous Poinsettia Lynn! I unfortunately do not have a dollar store near me..8-(.. But I still love your Wonderfully Elegant CAS Christmas card! It's Beautiful my friend! 8-)


  39. Breathtaking card, Lynn! Elegant and beautiful, compliments of the Dollar Store LOL! Gotta love that aspect. Kudos on your ispiration!

  40. I call it Dollar Tree Therapy.

    This card is BEAUTIFUL!

  41. breathtaking! Thanks for joining Speedy the Cats Friends this week. Good luck to you.

  42. Beautiful card! CONGRATS on winning at MFP!
