Friday, January 6, 2012

Talking Texan

We're going to "talk Texan" here for a minute........

Bless your heart - now this can mean so many different things - "So glad you got that toilet fixed - bless your heart",  "heard you  had a car accident today", "so sad about your pot-bellied pig getting sick", "heard you just won the lottery", etc.

Fixin' To - Us Texan always put "fixin' to" in front of things like - "I'm fixin' to go to the store", I'm fixin' to have a hissy willy fit", "I'm fixin' to kick your legs out from under you", etc.

And last but not least - Y'all -  This is probably self explanatory.

One thing we DON'T say in Texas though is "rootin' tootin" - but that saying is just so darn cute I had to use this sentiment from Dude Time Doodles and put in on my card!

YeeHaw.....I really need to work on my sewing!  And please note that the line looking thing on the left side by the image is nothing more than one of the fibers off the twine (looks a little hairy), but I'm just too lazy to go snap another photo right now.   This little gal is an image from Art Impressions...don't you love those teeth!

I'll enter this is the challenge over at Art Impressions Stamps - Anything Goes.

Thank y'all for stopping by....... Bless your heart (for being such a good blogging buddy!) and now I'm fixin' to go do a little more crafting!



  1. That's a great card, eh? Talking Canadian to a Texan... hahahhaha.
    It is a fab card though Lynn, love the image and the twine is just perfect and your sewing is excellent! I need to practice the sewing - scares the bejeebers outta me because I do it last and am almost scared of ruining the card.

  2. Fun card Lynn, love the image, she's so happy! Thanks for the Texas "speak" information! I'm fixin to use it today!

  3. Brilliant card Lynn, I like the image, the papers and the stitching.
    Kevin xx

  4. What a rootin tootin fabulous card. :)

  5. Fabby card and I do so love the sentiment to LOL! The image is brilliant too!

    Linda xxx

  6. Hi Lynn,

    Love your card... and your post was as witty as ever. I like the dennim and jute and of course the sentiment is so funny. Awesome colouring.

    I got back this afternoon and am back to my world of blogging.

    Happy to be back, hope hubby is mending well and you are still sunny,


  7. I've seen this cowgirl before at the county fair and the Armadillo Ballroom!! Love the stitched on denim background panel to set off this fun image, Lynn!!

  8. Bless you heart, girl, you always bring a smile to my face. Hey at least you sew, I don't even attempt it. (Shame on me). This image is just precious and the whole card came together quite nicely. Well I'll be fixin to go to the grocery store now and then back to crafting, I hope. I still have some decoration to take down. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Your sewing looks perfectly fine to me! Love the addition of that denim, it is just pefect for this image. And I loved your "talkin' Texan" :-)Some chuckles is a wonderful way to start the day.

  10. You crack me up, even sound like a Texan...LOL!!!! I love your chubby little cowgirl, Lynn...she looks mighty spiffy in her Wranglers, Ropers, and Stetson....looks like a Texan to me!!!!

  11. You always know how to make me laugh! Love it and love your card!

  12. YeeHaw, Y'all! When did you snap that pic of me? I barely recognize the braided hair (not since childhood), but otherwise... lol Love this card, Lynn!

  13. Do you know you always make me chuckle...fantastic card hun & certainly puts a smile on your face!!
    hugs and xxxx

  14. OMG, this is too funny and your texas talk made me smile! We don't have MN talk that I know of, just cold weather and snow, LOL!!! Hugs, Karen

  15. Well bless your heart, that card is awesome!! And yur sewing is perfect!! Love her huge belt buckle too!!

  16. Lynn, this is the rootin tootin'est card I've ever seen! It certainly is a fun one!!! Thanks for the fun language lesson, too. Loved it!

  17. LOL, Lynn! Awesome card! The stitching is great and everything fits perfectly with this cute lil' cowgirl! I really do love your Friday Funnies! Now I'll be saying "Bless your heart." to everyone! My MIL is originally from Kentucky and the first time I remember her saying this was "He's just not very smart. Bless his heart." Our family favorite is Once. "Come here once. Listen to me once." I'm not sure if this is Southern Hoosier speak or a carry over of our German heritage. Thanks for the lesson in Texan!

  18. Your post really made me smile Lynn... gives us a wonderful insight into the colourful language of you Texans! hehehe A stunning card once again.

  19. lol! Nice to learn a language lesson while visiting. Cute image! Also like the denim-like paper!

  20. Fantastic card! And for those not born in the South - great vocab lesson.

  21. Bless your heart, Texas talk and Tennessee talk are very similar! What a cute card though and since I am still afraid of my sewing machine, I think your sewing looks great!

  22. Lynn, love your Texan language lesson. It goes so well with your rootin- tooting image and brought a smile to my lips. Your sewing is fine and as for the spare fiber, would not have even noticed it.

  23. OMGosh this is sooo cute Lynn!! I love that image! Funny, funny Texas talk also!
    Have a great weekend!
    Tammy :)

  24. Bless your heart on your fun post and your card is rootin' tootin' delightful!

  25. Hi Lynn - awesome card!! Great colouring and your sewing is fine :) Thanks for leaving a post over at my blog, I am just starting out so it means a lot! I am now following your blog. :)

  26. Thanks so much Miss Lynn for the tips on Texan speak! Lol.. Sure put a Big grin on my face! Bless your heart! 8-) Your card is just Adorable! Love the image and the Rootin' Tootin' sentiment too! 8-) And I think your Sewing is Terrific Lady! I need to drag out my sewing machine and give that a whirl some time. 8-)

    Happy Weekend!


  27. Y'all are a total HOOT, ya hear me now? Know what I'm sayin'? Gees, this one completely cracked me up, and so did your Texas talk! LOL Thanks for the good-time visit down home, and y'all don't be a stranger now, y'hea? Bwahaaaahahahaaa!

  28. My stars, you just give me the giggles girl. I have decided you need to write a book like Erma Bombeck you would be a hit with your humor :) Love this card with the braids and the colors. Your sewing is just fine:) Have a great Sunday, have to say I am enjoying these warms temps.

  29. Well, this is just so fun! I did not know Rootin Tootin was not Texan slang...... Your card is fabulous and I love everything about it!

  30. Well, bless my heart, if this isn't just what I needed to put a big ol' smile on my face! I'm fixin to git me some Texan-style ribs and all the fixins. That's a mighty fine card there, Ma'am. Yessir, right nice.

  31. I'm fixin' to tell y'all how much fun I think this card is! And you know I love twine, right? xxx

  32. I am sitting here cracking up! Love the lingo and that is one rootin tootin card! Love the colors and the twine is just perfect with it!! Hugz!

  33. I thought rootin' tootin' was Texan. Ya know a rootin' tootin' cowboy? Lynn, I enjoyed this post so much. Bless your little heart. The image alone would put a smile on my face.

  34. Haha too funny, Lynn! I have seen the southern one but not the Texas one and this was worth the laugh and then some! You are too cute, I reckon ;) LOVE your card! She's a cutie patootie! x0x0

  35. Lol, Lynn! You always make the funniest cards! Love this!
