Wednesday, August 1, 2018

How Now......2 Crafty Critter Crazies

Surely you didn't think I'd say - how now, brown cow - did you!  This little darling is not brown at all but one of those very cute ones with the black spots all over.  Holstein.  Of course most Holsteins aren't running about with a skirt on either.  This one is just too cute all decked out in pink - and ready to party!

It's that time again and the challenge this month at 2 Crafty Critter Crazies is sponsored by A Day For Daisies.  I've used the cute little Cow Dress for my creation today.   To enter the challenge and for a chance to win, just create a card or project with a critter.  We'd love you have you come by and play and can't wait to see what you create. 

For my card, I printed out the image, colored it with Copics, added the grass die cut and a few clear crystals.

Thanks for stopping by.................


  1. Love the fab image ,just

  2. How cute is this little calf! Love the card design too.
    Linda xxx

  3. LOL! Definitely "how now brown cow" was the farthest thought from my mind, Lynn! LOL She is adorable in all her pink glory and sw sweet in her own frolicking party dress! Cute sentiment. Wish I could make cards like you do. They are so clean in their design and beautifully executed, each one telling a fantastic story. I'm trying to learn your pretty techniques. They remind me of Leslie Miller's style - and I admire both of them! My cards tend to evolve to cover up my blunders LOL Thanks for sharing your party animal! hugs, de

  4. Oh my word, the cuteness! I love that she's got her party dress on and she's ready to have fun! Adorable card, Lynn!

  5. This is just too fantastic, Lynn, and I adore her pink striped stockings keeping her legs warm! lol Love the polka dot ribbon matching the polka dots on her skirt. Great CAS design.

  6. Oh my goodness! That cow is so adorable with her pink and white striped socks and her pretty skirt! Love this sweet card! That black and white polka dot strip down the right side is the perfect addition!

  7. Oh my goodness, she is too adorable in her pink and white striped socks, bows and cute skirt!! I love this!! It's so fun!! The matching strip of polka dots down the side is fabulous!! I can't quit smiling!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. Holy COW Lynn!! This is absoluely ADORABLE!!! Love how she's all dressed up in the pink with a smile on her face too! :) Such a fun party animal card!! HUGS

  9. Oh that cow is so cute Lynn and I LOVE the B&W with pink accents! Awesome clean design and I love the polka dot paper down the side too!

  10. How adorable! Cutest card ever!

  11. She looks like she is ready to romp and have fun. Really cute all decked out for a fun party. Love it.

    Hugs and Blessings

  12. That is the cutest cow ever! Love how you colored her and added the strip of dsp down the edge! Adorable card Lynn!

  13. Haha - this card is a riot, Lynn!

  14. This just made me laugh out loud. She is definitely ready to party in her sweet skirt and those adorable socks. The black polka dot strip just ties in with her polka dot skirt and her black and white spots.

  15. Once again I have gotten my laugh for the day, what a super fun image.

    Hugs Diane

  16. Oh, I love her skirt, bows and her striped socks! The black and white polka dots on the side are a perfect accent! An adorable and fun card!

  17. I am totally in love with this sweet little girl!!! Love how you have colored her up too Lynn and made her into this sweet card. She definitely needed some pink on her with that beautiful black and white that she is. lol Love the black polka dot washi/paper too, that just finishes off this cutie perfectly! Hugs, Brenda

  18. Totally fetching! And I've never seen a cow decked out in pink stripe stockings either, so the skirt and cummerbund fit right along with the pink bows in her 'hair'. This is a very fashion conscious Moo-cow! I don't think even Elsie the Cow did more than have a daisy ring hat. Just cute as can be, and I like the border treatment echo-ing this Bovine Beauty card! TFS & Hugs

  19. Oh my gosh is this just tooo adorable!! A delightful image and very fun card! Love the pink and dotted strip with her :)

  20. Quite the princess calf!! What a delight, Lynn!!
