Wednesday, January 22, 2020

No One But Me

I apologize for not being around to anyone's blog to comment this last week or so. I actually HAVE commented but it was on my phone and I just noticed that none of them went through!  UGH!  I'm having a bit of a neck issue and can't sit at the computer for any length of time so that's why I was commenting from my phone.  I guess they're floating around out there in  never never land.  No earthly idea where they are or why they didn't go through. 

So, I haven't forgotten anyone and really have been trying.  I'll be back in full swing as soon as I can get my neck going right again. 



  1. I hope your neck is feeling better soon!! Take care :)

  2. Please don't worry about my blog, Lynn. Take care of yourself! I've had a neck issue before and it's no fun. Feel better!

  3. Aww hope you feel more comfortable soon Lynn - i think cyber space must be full of all our lost messages - frustrating. Emmax

  4. I hope you are taking good care of your neck and don't worry about commenting. We all have issues that keep us away sometimes. I hate to miss and I do sometimes then it's hard to catch up so I just start from where I am. Take care and sending healing thoughts for you.

  5. I'm sorry you're hurting, Lynn! Take it easy and let it heal. xoxo

  6. It's much more important that you get your neck problem healed up, Lynn. I say don't worry about visiting blogs or at least don't comment on them until you are well once again. Hugs.

  7. No worries Lynn, you take care of yourself which is more important.
    Gentle Hugs
    Linda xxx

  8. Please don't worry about the commenting Lynn! Hope your neck is feeling better very soon! I completely understand the aching our bodies can go through!! Get well hugs

  9. Technology, it's wonderful when it works! No worries Lynn, you just take care of that neck!!!! Big hugs, Brenda

  10. All good Lynn, hope you loosen up soon, be careful though, take care.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. Technology! Can't live with it, can't live without it!!

    Take care of yourself and know we love ya'!!

  12. Don't worry Lynn - just concentrate on getting your neck sorted - I know the feeling of frustration at neck issues as well as trying to use the phone for blogging!

  13. Ouch! Please feel better soon. Learning a new computer here...Hope this is the very last time I have to move my junk to a new system. (and do I have junk)

  14. I hope you start to feel better Lynn, neck pain is no fun.
    Sending hugs,
    Tammy x

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your neck pain, Lynn, and hope it goes away soon! Don't worry about not commenting, but, boy, what a pain to have done so many and find out none of them were delivered, grrr! Put it behind you now and just relax, pet Rambo, and get better! Hugs, Darnell

  16. No worries! Hope you are feeling much better soon!

  17. Hope you feel better soon! I am having tech issues too so I know it is frustrating. Hugz

  18. This is absolutely adorable, Lin!

  19. Hope you are feeling better soon, Lynn. It is hard to do some of those things on our phones at times. Hope it gets resolved! hugs, de
