Thursday, March 19, 2020

Shucks and a Howdy Ho

Just a couple of little gals - one saying Howdy and one saying Shucks!  VERY simple but two more cards done that  I probably needed to add to the stash anyway.  Clouds, grass, sentiment, paper piecing, twine, coloring.....done deal.

Update on things.......It's a crazy world out there right now so I'm hoping everyone is staying safe and healthy.  I, for one, have been self isolating /banned from going anywhere by the kids.  I don't need this mess and don't want it either so will do everything I can to keep from catching it. I find it a little hard to concentrate on things at times and probably need to quit watching the news.......but then again, how will we know what's happening if we don't watch the news.  It's not as bad here as it is in a lot of places yet and I'm thankful for that.

It's even hard to see much humor in things like this knowing how serious this crazy virus has been, is, and will get worse.  Stay healthy!

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Lynn, both of these cards are so sweet! Adorable!

  2. These are adorable with your paper pieced shirts and perfectly stenciled cloud background Lynn! They're both wonderful cards to add to your stash as I hope to be doing the same here shortly!

    Same over my way. Told my parents to stay in too for health concerns. Hope this gets straightened out soon. Take care and be safe!

  3. These cards are so cute my friend! I find that I am very tired all the time, just exhausted! I don't know if it is anxiety or depression but it is something. I am really limiting the amount of news that I watch!

    Be Safe,


  4. These are gorgeous, love the images. Stay safe my friend, it sure is a crazy world we are living in at the moment.
    Linda xxx

  5. You stay healthy, also. It really plays with your head. Hard to get motivated... I totally understand. Hubby has offered to take all the trips out and cleans up when he gets back. Hang in there and I sure do love this sweet little girl.

  6. AMEN to that - but good thing you are making cute cards to entertain us! My daughter just got out of the ER (Not COVID19) and it was AWFUL - it was awful being there, seeing everyone else there, it was like we were on another planet. Back home and I'm PRAYING we did'nt leave there with worse than what we came in with! Hugs!

  7. Gorgeous designs Lynn, your background paper and clouds along with the adorable people are so uplifting.

    Yes, it is a crazy world right now, I agree the news has nothing but the virus stories that just make it more stressful.

    Stay well.

    Hugs Diane

  8. Two cute cards Lynn, love the designs.

    It is strange times, I'm finding it difficult to concentrate on anything too and only just seem to be getting my crafting mojo back. Too much time watching the news I think. xx

  9. Fabulous cards Lynn. Love the simplicity of them and the craftmanship in t creating them so perfectly.
    I hear you - times are certainly a bit skeery - I am basically self isolating too, as much as I can. Although we are a small country with only 39 cases, all related to international travel, one of them is in our town :(.
    Stay safe

  10. She is adorable and I love how different she looks on each of your fun cards, Lynn. Stay home for sure - I think we are just going to go out for curbside pickup at the grocery and we are going to be very careful and try to do that rarely. You stay safe. I have limited myself to no more than 30 minutes of negative news a day. Many hugz

  11. I just love both of these adorable cards! Great clouds, fun paper piecing and such wonderful coloring with this simple design makes for two very cute cards! I keep the tv off all day, disengaged from social media and just keep myself busy around the house de-cluttering through this crisis. I go out only when absolutely necessary and watch 30 minutes of news at night and that's all I want to be exposed to for the time being. It's just unbelievable what's going on. Hoping you are feeling well through all this and I hope you stay healthy too!

  12. These cards are precious with your cloudy sky and your little girl with her paper-pieced shirt!! Such a delight!!

    I'm staying in as much as possible and keeping entertained on crafty sites! Stay healthy and strong!!

  13. Oh, they are both so sweet Lynn, Love your sky colouring and your little girls too, gorgeous cards..stay safe.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  14. Hello, Lynn! I feel exactly the same way you do. We're staying home unless absolutely necessary. We need to venture out for groceries for the first time in over a week and I'm dreading it. However, we need to eat! Fortunately our grocery stores have started a seniors' hour, 7 to 8 a.m., and that's when we're going. I get up early anyway. But on a happy note, your cards are super cute and I love your cloudy background! Gorgeous paper-piecing too! Stay safe and healthy. I'm glad your kids are looking out for you!

  15. What a sweet break from all the craziness around us right now! Our kids won't let us out, but DH sneaks out anyway. Hoping he doesn't bring anything back with him! :-( Hope you stay healthy too. Turn off the news and color!

  16. Adorable cards, I love that sweet image and their paper pieced shirts, so cute!

  17. Two cute cards to brighten our day. I would like to have a plaid shirt like that or a red polka dot top. Not too much into hats although there are days when a hat would be perfect to cover up this wild hair since I cancelled my hair appointment.

  18. Love these cards, Lynn! MFT is probably my favorite stamp company... a very apt name! These are CAS goodness with special touches like the cloud stenciled sky and paper pieced clothing. I don't know why I don't have this set, given how much I love it, the fact that I say Howdy instead of Hi, and I have the Whole Herd set by MFT that coordinates so well. I must correct this at once! LOL And yes, you need to stop watching the news since all of them are just sensationalizing this whole mess. Watch the daily press conference held by the President... you can catch it on YT at your convenience, and you'll know everything you need to know. If you need more still, like cases #s per state, the CDC is posting it. I've seen a few other videos on YT where they are debunking "news" given by the media with facts from the CDC. Here in GA the surrounding counties are hotbeds due to a funeral and a church choir... its amazing what can kill you these days, huh?... so I'm staying home and using up stuff that has been in the pantry too long anyway. Its actually going to be good for us in the long run but I hate to see my next grocery bill when I have to replace *everything*. Be smart, be safe, and be crafty!!!

  19. You are the Queen of making beautiful skies with white fluffy clouds, Lynn! I want to lay on my back and hold my laptop over my head and stare at them like I used to do as a kid. That one looks like a horsey and that one looks like a piece of pie ... I would still be doing that except here we normally have boring blue cloudless skies. So thanks for bringing back those memories with your two winsome, perfectly colored and paper-pieced little girls! Take care 😷 and be safe!! Hugs, Darnell
