Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Keep On Truckin'

 I've had this stamp (from Stampendous) in my "I need to do" bucket for a while and finally decided to tackle it - with watercolors!  I've been trying to practice more using the watercolors and this was a good "victim".  On the package it came in it showed the truck being rusty looking and that's exactly what I decided to do too since it reminded me of an old truck my dad had so long ago. 

It was in that truck that I guess you could say I had my first driving experience .  I was either 7 or 8  years old and my cousin was the same age.  We hopped in the truck and decided to take it for a spin (with me as the driver).   Somehow I got it in gear and he crawled down on the floorboard and popped the clutch - and away we went......  We never even turned the key to start it but it promptly rolled down the driveway at a pretty good clip ----- and ran right into the house next door!   Now you want to talk about getting into trouble for something!!!  Whoa!  Plus, all the damages to the house we hit. Ah....memories.......

Thanks for stopping by..........and keep smiling.......



  1. Oh my goodness, what a story! Hard to imagine two kids getting into so much mischief. So funny! I'm sure it was not funny at the time, though. Love this card. The water coloring turned out wonderful. The rust on the truck is prefect.

  2. Love your rusty truck with the dog protecting the flowers. That is a great memory of your naughty childhood!

  3. Wow, what a memory! I did something similar but luckily no damage that I can remember. I do remember I got in trouble! Your watercolour truck looks amazing!

  4. What a wonderful card Lynn - a fabulous image and so beautifully painted!!
    Thanks for sharing the story - that was amusing to read for someone who was not involved!! :)

  5. That is one heck of a memory of your first driving experience! LOL I just love how you managed to rust up this old truck with your great coloring. What a fun and special card. It's a wonder we're still alive after all our childhood antics, eh? LOL

  6. Oh, the grand adventures of childhood! Those were the days!!

    I love this beautifully watercolored image, Lynn! Fabulous card!!

  7. What a great image and fabulous water colouring Lynn, love the rusty for your antics with driving, oh dear, Oh, you must have got into such trouble..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  8. This truck looks to be in pretty good shape considering! Love your story and glad you lived to tell it! Great coloring!

  9. Love your card, but your story tops the beautiful of the card! You did that??? Lynn??? Anyway, love your image and coloring! Beautifully created.

  10. Excellent water coloring of the truck as well as the rest of the card. Why is always fun getting into trouble but not so much when caught. LOL.

    Hugs and Blessings

  11. Oh you little rebel Lynn! Weren't you scare when the truck took off? Or when it hit the house? lol You were a brave one for your age! Thanks for the chuckle, such a fun story and I can imagine the trouble you two got into for that one! Your card is gorgeous, your watercoloring is amazing! I love the way you colored the truck with the rust, you are good at that! Such a fun little fall scene. Hugs, Brenda

  12. I thought I’d stop over from Brenda in IN blog. Viewing some of your beautiful cards. This one really caught my eye how you watercolored the truck, so wonderful! The touches of rust here and there are amazing! Fab card! And, the story how you were in the truck and it hit the neighbor’s house, yikes, lol! My sis backed up the car when my Dad quickly went into the doctor’s office. We backed into a very busy street and people came running. No one was hurt, thank goodness. Oh, memories, lol!

  13. What a fabulous card! And I am so happy to see that you are back to posting again. I so missed seeing all of your great cards!
