Saturday, March 26, 2011

Celebrate Spring

The challenge over at Stamps R Us is themed Celebrate Spring! You still have one week left to submit your creations - so pop on over there and enter today for a chance to win some wonderful images from Tiffany Doodles.

I used some Pacific Point paper along with some patterned paper I had in my stash. Even though you may not be able to see it I used an embossing folder also. The image (Wildflowers in a Pitcher from Tiffany Doodles) was colored using Prisma pencils and baby oil. (I'm still practicing with those pencils)! The small butterflies were completed using the Beautiful Wings die from SU.

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes.....I'm just really taking everything slow and on a day to day basis I'm afraid. The last couple of nights I've actually slept ALL NIGHT!!! That's really been a "plus" as I'd only been getting about two or three hours of sleep a night - for over a month now! I guess that means it's starting to feel somewhat better! YES! I'm due up for another injection though on Tuesday so we'll see how that goes. Keep your fingers crossed for me! (I do have a post scheduled for Wednesday this coming week - it's the Dude Time Doodles Blog Hop - so stayed tuned for that one.)

I really appreciate all your thoughts and comments - they mean so very much to me.

Thanks for stopping by...............



  1. Hooray!! It is so nice to see you back creating again, Lynn! I'm glad you have had a few great nights of sleep...hopefully it's a good sign. Keep taking it slow! Sending you "feel-better" thoughts! :)

    Your card today is just beautiful! I really like all of the beautiful blues and all of the butterflies. So pretty!

  2. So pretty Lynn & it's good to see a post from you & hopefully you are on the mend. Love the vividness of the bright blue butterflies against the white... very striking.

  3. Lynn glad you are feeling better now and can sleep more. We cannot exist without that good sleep! Love your card - blue is one of my favourite shades and with the white, it looks so good!

  4. Thank God you are beginning to get your sleep back... that can be awful, you know. I am missing you one helluva lot, Lynn and praying for your speedy recovery. You are so very sweet to continue visiting even though you are poorly.

    Have left something for you on my blog... but if you are not up to picking it up, I totally understand, Lynn.



  5. Forgot to comment on this card... it is simply gorgeous... love the image and blue embossing makes it so very striking.

    Wishing you good health and crafting wealth,


  6. So glad you are improving. I miss reading your blog when you MIA. Great card today. Love the blue.

  7. So glad to see you posting and getting some much needed sleep! Yippee. Hope that Tuesday goes well and you eventually say good bye to your pain. Love your card, the paper, embossing and colors are just perfect with the image. Keep resting and taking it slow. Lucky sends you slurps.

  8. So glad to hear you are starting to feel a little better! Your card is beautiful! Love the colors you used!

  9. Very pretty. Looks like we were both thinking the blues. How jazzy is that? Glad to hear you got a few good winks - sleep is very necessary for creative card making!

  10. I was pleasantly surprised to see you post a card, and it's a beauty at that! So good to hear you're catching up on your sleep, and I hope your pain is soon gone for good!

  11. Beautiful. Love the shades of blue. Hope you continue to recover and can stamp again soon!!

  12. So happy to see your post and your beautiful card!! I'd say - your coloring with the pencils IS coming along grand!!!!!

    Glad you got some sleep. I'm a terrible sleeper - so I know the joy when I can sleep for 8 hours straight!!!!!


  13. Glad you're sleeping better Lynn, and by the looks of it, you're crafting again. Woo hoo!! This is a BEAUTIFUL card. Love those colors.

  14. I hope each day finds you stronger and with less pain, Lynn!!

    It is great to see this beautiful card from you!! I love the blues and this gorgeous pitcher full of blossoms!

  15. Oh Lynn, I've obviously missed something with being MIA for a while... hope you're on the mend. Your card is absolutely beautiful. This must be one of your prettiest cards yet, I love the embossed folder and everthing actually! hugs Sharon xx

  16. Lynn,
    So glad to hear your feeling better and getting rest again at night, that in it's self will make a difference.
    This card is beautiful, I love the colors.
    Also, I want to "Thank You" for leaving such great comments on my blog. I appreciate you stopping by.

  17. Lynn - it's so nice to get comments from you on my posts! I just read your last post about the 'pinched nerve' and I know what you are going through. I have tried so many pillows with the hopes of not having tingling in the hands when I wake up. A new one was just delivered by UPS, fingers are crossed!
    Anyway, your creation is Gorgeous! I love the colors you used here. I'm sorry that I don't stop by, I guess I keep forgetting to look at my dashboard.
    I hope you can start feeling better soon!
    Thanks - Sandi

  18. Yea! Your back with style! Beautiful the blues! Take it easy and thanks for the love you left at my blog!

  19. This is lovely Lynn. You're doing a great job with the pencils and I LOVE that blue so vibrant. I've never used the pacific point blue before, I just may have to.
