Sunday, March 20, 2011

Out of Commission

Just a short note to let everyone know I'll be out of commission for several days. At least I'm hoping it's only for a short time anyway. I've been dealing with a pinched nerve in my neck for over a month now and it's finally starting to affect my shoulder and arm alot - and it's not good! It's making it very hard to type and I've just had no desire to create anything. I will catch up on my commenting as soon as possible but just not up to the task right now.
Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Ah Lynn, I'm so sorry, I was hoping it had healed itself. Don't worry about commenting, but your creations will be missed.

  2. Lynn, thinking of you and hoping your shoulder starts feeling better soon. We will miss you, but your creations are VERY worth the wait! :) Take care of you! Sending you a big Texas hug! :)

  3. Hi Lynn, sorry that shoulder is still giving you problems. Rest up and take care, so you can come back soon!
    Jo xx

  4. Dealing with constant pain is no fun! I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering, Lynn! Take the time to heal and know that caring thoughts and prayers are with you.

  5. TOLD YOU to rest! Dont want to see you online now! LOL
    You are the RAK card winner... send me your snail mail addy please

  6. Oh Lynn I hope you feel better soon!! Take care

  7. So sorry to hear your shoulder is not getting better...take care of yourself so you can get back to making your lovely cards!

  8. Oh Lynn - sorry to hear you are not feeling better!!! We'll miss you in blogland and will say some prayers for a healthy recovery!!!

  9. Take care of yourself Lynn... you need that stamping arm!

  10. Lynn, take care of yourself and rest, we are going to miss your cards, but I would love for you feel better instead. that is more important. {{hugs}}

  11. Oh Lynn, I hope your neck gets better. Pinched nerves are not fun. Take care and hope to see you back soon!


  12. You'll be in our prayers, dear. Looking forward to you feeling better and being able to share with us the great inspiration pieces you always do. Gentle hugs.

  13. So sorry that it's not better yet. Get lots of rest and hope you feel better soon!

  14. Oh take great care, sweet LYnn! I just fell and was in agonizing pain, still hurts something awful, but a pinched nerve - owie! Blessings to you, rest and feel better! x0x0

  15. Saying a little prayer for you today, Lynn! I hope each day finds you feeling better and better!

  16. I'm sorry for your temporary setback. I'll miss seeing your wonderful creations. I hope you feel better soon.

  17. take care of yourself!! Hope to see you back again soon.

  18. Get well soon, friend. Let me know if you need anything.

  19. Feel better Lynn!!! I hope you are getting some good sleep at night!

  20. Hi dear Lynn,

    Oh poor you... it is not good for us crafters to be this way... i am going to send you some healing tonight... Sorry for sounding like a self appointed doctor but are there good acupuncturists around the area you live?

    waiting for you to get back in shape and see those inspiring creations again.

    Hugs to a great lady,


  21. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this awful news. I hope you will be back to your creative genius self soon. Please take care of yourself. Hugs and good thought are being sent your way.

  22. Lynn, big hugs. Take the time to heal. We want you back to health soon.

  23. So sorry to hear of your problems Lynn. I do hope the resting will greatly improve them and that you feel 100% again very soon.

  24. Oh Lynn, I am sorry to read of the pain you are feeling. Hope you are on the mend soon!
