Saturday, June 30, 2012

Getting Squirrel-y

Texas is definitely under a heat wave right now - at least where we live!  It was 105 for several days running this past week and is just TOO HOT!!

I caught this little guy hoping someone would come out and at least fill the bird bath so he could get a drink!   While I was taking the picture, he just kept looking up at me with these sad, sad eyes - so yes, I DID give him some water and he's a happy camper once again. 

I guess these are the squirrel days of summer instead of the dog days of summer.  He sorta looks like I feel at times in this heat!

Thanks for stopping by...........and hope everyone is having a great weekend.


  1. Wow Lynn, what a picture! Looks like something that should be on a calendar! You are probably his new best friend!

  2. What a cute little fellow and how sweet of you to give him the water he really wanted. :)
    Love n hugs

  3. What a great photo! thanks for sharing it. :)

  4. Oh my, that is so cute!!! And thanks for giving him some water.Poor thing!!! Must have been ready to pass out from heat exhaustion!

  5. Too cute! Glad you gave him some water. It's supposed to be 106 here today, so it will probably be even hotter there. Try to stay cool.

  6. Awwww, happy squirrel. What a fantastic photo, Lynn! So glad you gave him water and the birds will probably be happy too. Of course, that assumes they haven't all flown north for the summer to get out of the heat. :-D

  7. Oh wow, he looks hot! We have two squirrels that moved in our backyard this summer and they too hang out in the birdbaths but it doesn't get nearly as hot here. We are having a hot spell which for us is a week at 90 degrees.

  8. omg - so glad you got this shot! how cute!! I'm sure he's thrilled you gave him water!!!!!

    Try and stay cool yourself. We're hitting 94 today in CT

  9. What a wonderful picture! He does look like the heat is getting to him.

  10. Poor little guy, I now just how he feels lol, glad you looked after him.
    Kevin xx

  11. My husband is squirrel obsessed-I have to show him this picture. LOL Stay cool Lynn!

  12. that is so cute (glad he got a reward for posing)...sorry about your heat wave...had to laugh at the pic dd's boyfriend's nickname is squirrel nuts...and i am definitely showing them this

  13. Now that's a GREAT photograph!! If we had to run around in fur coats in 105 degree temps, we'd look like this too! Poor little guy! I'm betting he'll return for a fresh drink of water one day again soon too :)

  14. Awww he is soooo cute Lynn!! I love this picture! I know how he feels!!! Stay cool! :)
    Hugs, Tammy

  15. This is fabulous Lynn, he sure does look sad and I bet he was a happy little squirrel when you gave him water.

    Linda xxx

  16. You need to send this to the news stations, it is too funny and just says it all about the heat. Poor little guy, glad you gave in and put water in the bowl for him :) Loving your Merry Monday card, that is so striking with the colors.

  17. Awww bless him...great photo thou!!

    hugs and xxx

  18. Lynn, That is a super precious picture. The poor little thing. It's so good of you to come to his rescue. Talk to you soon. I'm back out in California with my cousin.

  19. Oh What a Sweet Picture Lynn! Poor little guy! So kind of you to give him some water, he definitely looks like he would have really appreciated it! And I'm with Miss Carol, bet you will be seeing him again in the near future.. 8-)

    Stay cool my friend!

  20. Our weather is very poor for the time of year so we could do with a bit of your sunshine/warmth - love the pciture of the aquirrel - did you fill the bird bath up so he could have a drink - best wishes Lesley x

  21. Great pic Lynn and good on ya for getting him the water. The concrete was probably cooling him off but water is better!

  22. What a GREAT photo, Lynn! He looks exactly how I feel in the heat we're having! Blah! A little is okay, but weeks on end gets old! Here's hoping we get some rain and some milder days soon!!! :)

  23. Oh how cute!! He found a pool!

  24. This is such a sweet picture and such a lucky squirrel to have you as a neighbor!

  25. Poor guy!! This photo instantly brought a smile to my face this morning! Too cute! :)

  26. LOVE this pic Lynn. He looks like I feel in our Summer... so NOT looking forward to it. It's bitterly cold now, but am so enjoying it. hugs Sharon

  27. I think man and animals feel the same way in this Texas heat, Lynn...this is an awesome picture!!!!
