Friday, April 8, 2016

Flowers and A Pothole

We've had a few flowers and a big pothole around here lately.

These are larkspur in our front yard.  Really pretty flowers - and so many.  I cropped the picture pretty good since I doubt if you'd really want to see all the thistles that are growing in with them too.  I guess I could wade in there and pull the thistles out but I'm not really keen on having slithery, creepy, crawly things find their way up my pants legs either.

We've also had a little bit of a rocky road lately - actually a big pothole - but we're slowly climbing out of it once again.  Hopefully all will be better soon.  One day at a time.......

I'll be by blogs as soon as I can so hang in there with me.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Beautiful larkspur, Lynn.

    Sending hugs and prayers.

  2. Those look gorgeous! I love the purples! Sure looks so much warmer over there! We are still a bit cool for Spring, but hopefully warm up soon. Take care! :)

  3. What absolutely gorgeous flowers, Lynn!! They're so beautiful!! Thinking of you and keeping you and your family in my prayers. Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Beautiful flowers flowers are dying off now with the colder temps coming ready for winter, so guess I will have to venture out and get rid of all the dead stuff and get ready to plant the pansies and other things for Winter flowering...Hope your pothole soon fills with happiness..take care.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  5. Your larkspur looks fabulous Lynn - sorry to hear about the pothole - they are the pits. We are not out of ours yet, either.

  6. Lynn these are just gorgeous. The color is so vibrant. It must be nice to look out and see these beauties. Hope you have a good weekend.

  7. Thanks for sharing the photo of those gorgeous flowers! They're SO pretty! Sorry for the potholes in your road of life, but hopefully you'll be on that smooth highway once again real soon!! Miss ya! ((hugs))

  8. Hi Lynn they look gorgeous. I hope you and Jim are well, oh and Rambo too.
    Linda xxx

  9. Wow, is this ever pretty!
    It is spring here too but all we have so far is little sprigs of green grass, tiny buds on trees and perennial shoots just peeking through the ground.
    Hang in there... I think about you lots and wonder how you and Jim are managing and am glad to hear you are coping. It's never easy for anyone but like you said, one day at a time.

  10. The flowers are gorgeous Lynn, so colorful! I hope things get better.
    Sending hugs, Tammy

  11. Love the way you buttered us up with pretty posies before the big pot hole. Hope life fills it in and gets you going. You have been missed.

  12. Oh my look at all those beautiful flowers! I love this view Lynn! Just as I imagine it would look around your yard! Love the antique wagon wheel on the edge of the flowers, so country and so beautiful! I'm praying that you will be out of this pot hole completely very soon. Big hugs to you and Jim!! Brenda
    PS: I think I confused these flowers with birds didn't I?!! lol I'm always good for a laugh Lynn!

  13. TFS such a lovely photo of these pretty flowers. Hope the pothole will soon be in the past, and that you're hanging in there. Big hugs to you both, and know that you're being thought of! Have a restful weekend if possible!

  14. What amazingly beautiful larkspur! I was just reading about the blue bonnets on (the other!) Lynn's blog and ya'll just have the most beautiful shades to your flowers. Hang in there, sweet friend - Grandma used to tell me that He will never tempt you with more than you can bear .... hang tight and blessings to you! ♥

  15. I've been wondering if everything was OK. Hope better days are ahead! Love the larkspur. Isn't it nice to see them out your window! We have wisteria growing here that looks a little like this but upside down and growing on vines wrapped in the trees!

  16. Your flowers are so pretty! Great pic! Thanks for sharing...
    Hopefully there are many sunny days in the future!

  17. Larkspurs are some of my favorite flowers -- must be the purple. These are gorgeous! :-D I'm so glad to see you posting something. Have been worried about you and was about to send out an APB. Sorry about the pothole but will keep you in prayers that things get better. Hugs, my friend.

  18. Your larkspar are beautiful!! It is nice to see you post something again! I miss your posts! I hope things are getting better for you!

  19. Hiya Lynn,
    They are beautiful !
    Sorry to hear things havne't been good, but hopefully things will pick up for you :) always on the end of email if you need anything.
    Take care of yourselves ok xxx

  20. I'm sorry to hear you fell into a pot hole again (still?), Lynn, and I hope you guys can truly climb out and stay out this time!! At least it's wonderful that you can look out your window and see this incredible field of larkspur in your front yard!! Lots of hugs, Darnell

  21. Oh, those flowers are so beautiful. Just my color. Sorry about the pothole. Sending up prayers for you guys that things will get better soon. Hugs, Maggie

  22. Beautiful flowers. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep focused on the flowers!

  23. What a fabulous picture of your Larkspurs Lynn. We finally had a few days of dry weather.

    Hugs Diane

  24. Love your beautiful flowers : ) I do not like creepy bugs crawling up my legs either....... Hugs and will keep you in thoughts and prayers!

  25. ack. don't like the sound of a metaphorical pothole... but i'm glad that you're navigating around/thru it ok. sending hugs & good wishes! meanwhile the abundance of larkspur is AMAZING!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

  26. Your flowers are beautiful! One day at a time id definitely the best strategy in my opinion. No need to worry about what might not happen. Take care.

  27. Lynn your larkspur are so beautiful!!
    I'm so sorry you have had another pothole!! I'm praying that it gets better quickly! I know that those pot holes are rough, we have been falling in them regularly these last couple years. I just take it a day at a time,thankful for the good ones. Hang in there friend :)

  28. a stunning spray of Larkspurs - I think pot holes are everywhere. are yours massive? . . . . Lesley x

  29. Love the flowers! Here in the poor country, we are surrounded by dirt roads with millions of potholes and then paved roads with giant potholes. A truck almost hit me the other day when it swerved at the last minute. Luckily, when I get to the next two counties, they have more money and it is easier. I think of it as an analogy to life - we have to know where those pesty things are and avoid them! LOL! Many hugz

  30. So pretty are these larkspurs. They remind me of my childhood.
