Friday, May 17, 2019

Bad Day/Worse Day

Everyone has a bad day ever so often but it seems like lately when I have one, I go all out and have a worse day!  Yesterday as I was trying to publish a comment that someone made on my last post, I hit something wrong and it removed the content from all the previous comments.  UGH!!!  Carol sent me a link to be able to get back the comments and it didn't work because of how I receive my comments or something.  Technical garbage basically.  So, is what it is now and I'm sorry if you commented and it's no longer showing. 

Next up was doing a little coloring on an image.  Ran out of ink while using the Copic, got it all refilled, and realized I'd used the wrong refill on it so that bit the dust.  Another big UGH!  I really wanted to use that pen so decided to run to Michael's and just pick up another one until I could run all the ink out of the one I messed up. 

Ok...........I had to go next door to Petsmart for a particular item anyway so off I went.  Got the pen and headed to Petsmart.  Now, I love animals and being in Petsmart is sorta like being in heaven.  Maybe not so much when you have to smell the dog food and all that but whatever.  I wandered around in there for a good hour just looking at everything (and of course picking up way too much and sticking it in the cart).  Got home and got everything unloaded and nope, didn't get what I initially went there for.   Figures and so typical. 

Then I decided to go ahead and enter my last card in the challenges I listed.  One went through fine....the other one came up with all this mess about inlink or linkedin , social media, needing a login and password.............DUH!  Never had one before for that so guess I need it now.  Started adding that in and this big sign comes up and says it's not secure and basically everyone in the world is going to know who you are and probably what kind of undies you wear too!  EEPPPPP!!  I scooted out of there in a hurry.  What's the deal with all that anyway? 

Now that I've written a small essay, there's my card................what can I say except Ha, Ha, HA!

Thanks for stopping by..........and have a good weekend.


  1. Oh dear Lynn you really had a time of it yesterday, I hope today is better. A fabulous card, I love the image.
    Linda xxx

  2. LOL! I'm really not trying to laugh at your misfortunes, but I absolutely love how you tell the stories of it all! I feel like I'm actually "listening" to you talk!! :) Sometimes I certainly have days that just keep going wrong and I want to crawl back in bed!! LOL!! The day is now done and hopefully you can move on to a better one my friend!

    Your card is just ADORABLE!! I think these guys are laughing at us or something...Your coloring is fabulous Lynn! Take care!

  3. Super cute design and framing Lynn.

    Hugs Diane

  4. Oh gosh, what a day, Lynn!! I hope today has been much better for you!! Your card is absolutely adorable!! It totally makes me smile!! I love those happy critters!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Sounds likeone of my many days fun card and it made me smile, in fact, chuckle..have a great weekend.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  6. You know that on days like that, a guy should've stayed in bed, right? Or gone back to bed!
    The card is great and such a fun one. What a coincidence, I just finished a birthday card for one of the grands and I used one of the funnies from Katzelkraft's Farm Animals set and it reminds me a lot of your guys.

  7. Your card is adorable. So sorry to hear how your day went...It's like a domino effect isn't it?

    Maybe my day a few days ago will make you feel just a little bit better.
    I was in the hospital a few months back for high bp and virtigo...
    The Virtigo is showing up now and then enough to make me have to go for
    Physcial therapy for a couple of months now.

    It is helping but I'm tired of PT...My insurance doesn't cover much and there are a lot of things I would rather be doing (LIke making cards instead...)

    Looking forward to being done with it...and what did a do...
    I fell off my computer chair!! (I wasn't drinking, honestly!)
    I was trying to look under my desk for somthing that I thought fell off my desk...and my chair dumped me. Ouch!
    and guess what instead of finishing pt for virtego
    the doctor gave me more PT for my back now...

    Oh boy! Isn't life fun?

  8. Oh Lynn I hear you - I hate the technical stuff and all those warnings.. never mind Windows forever trying to update as you are on the computer...
    Hang in there - some days the booboos turn into gold, in time.
    Love your card - that is fabulous, and such fun

  9. You had me so jittery, I ended up hitting something wrong, myself. Okay, second try. Do you not just love this stamp? I had to have it when I saw it. I cut mine apart so I can just use single animals.... Love this! Now just calm down and don't tell them your undie color!

  10. Sorry for your bad day, but love how you tell the story. The card is adorable! The sentiment is great with it.

  11. We all have those days but you just had yours all in one day. You're back on track with this adorable critter card. It is cute as can be. I can relate to computer problems as I am so uninformed when it comes to technology. I'm glad you got through the day and no one saw your bright pink panties!

  12. Oh I love your cute and super fun card Lynn, it put a smile on my face!! So sorry you had a bad day, I hate days like that.

    I have also accidentally hit the 'remove content' button and deleted comments :( Now have my setting set to 10 under 'number of elements' so if I do it again only 10 comments will be deleted and not 25, 50 or 100!

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Tammy x

  13. Lynn, Unlike Vicki, I'm not even trying not to laugh - I'm hooting with laughter and the neighbors can hear me! Sorry for the frustration of your day but your written rendition of it has just given me such a happy morning. You are a talented story teller as well as card maker. I love the card and the fun critters who are exhibiting exactly what I'm doing (at your expense!) Hugs, my friend.

  14. I hope you are one of these laughing animals today now that yesterday is over and done with! Momma said there'd be days like that!! Sorry nothing went right, but this hilarious card sure did! I can't stop laughing at those characters! LOL Have a better day today :)

  15. You poor thing!! What a horrible day! I hope today is better for you! Your card is adorable!

  16. Only you Lynn, could have me laughing at all of your misfortunes! You missed your calling at the Comedy Club! So sorry for your day! Did you have to hold any dogs while in that store??? LOL I thought you were going to say you put your marker down and did not have it when you arrived home. Oh my! Your card is wonderful. Fun sentiment, and love that those animals look entertained and are laughing!

  17. I laughed to read the words 'guess the panties they wear' ...
    Hahaha ... very funny.

    Keep up the spirit, friend.

  18. Aww...I love these guys! They look like so much fun!
    I hope today is much better for you!

  19. Lynn, sounds like one of my days! We could definitely compare notes!

    Your card is super cute with those fun images and great sentiment. Wonderfully done.

    Hope this week goes better! Hugz

  20. What a day of frustrations, Lynn!! So sorry you had to face those back to back. I can relate to your PetSmart visit. I planned to make a potato casserole for a church luncheon on Sunday. I took the recipe with me to the store and added each item to the basket. And, of course, you know what I got home without - the potatoes!

    I love these fabulous laughing animals!! So cute!!

  21. Your card so made me laugh with their expressions. Sorry about your awful day, always seems to happen like that. Ive had a nightmare since the linkup change for challenge blogs too, half of them the link doesn't show up at all, yet others can see it - no idea why I can't - too technical for my little head. Hugs Emmax

  22. Great post, Lynn! I'm just back from vacation so that's why the late visit. I think your card is fabulous and perfect for your text. You brightened my day with your rendition of all your misfortunes. It's days like that that make us grateful we have a sense of humor!

    I skimmed through the comments and it doesn't seem like anyone addressed the InLinkz issue, so I will. InLinkz changed things (even though they worked fine, sheesh) so it's been a learning curve for those who run challenges and those who play in challenges. When you get that popup, try just selecting "Google." Either it will go away which means you can then proceed to enter your card or it will ask for your google email, which it is safe to enter. Either way, you will NEVER get that poopup again for that particular challenge. Yes, I meant poop up, lol; that bs only has to be done one time. If you have any questions, let me know in an email. I hope the week went better for you! Hugs, Darnell

  23. Egads! Sounds like my life Lynn! We must be sister's from another life. lol I love this card, it just makes me smile and God knows we need to smile after days like this! Hoping your days get better my sweet friend. Hugs, Brenda
