Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Where's The Critter

I know this is coming as a big shock - no critter!  I should have added a little butterfly to make it more of a Lynn card I guess.  Every so often I guess it's good to go with something different though.  All the stamps used on here are from WPlus9.  Love the wood background stamp and that wreath.  So many ways you could decorate the wreath - even for Christmas.  The sketch I used was one from Newton's Nook a while back and I really like it too.

I've been laying low on the weekends and in case you haven't noticed and haven't been by to comment on cards then.  This may be the new norm as it gives me a chance to maybe create a little bit and do other things too.  

Also, the oldest granddaughter is graduating in 2 weeks.  Holy Moly!!!!!  I've never seen so much activity and going on's!  When we graduated we basically showed up for the ceremony (and didn't even want to do that).  Not anymore.....parties every night, awards ceremonies, more parties, and more ceremonies.  It's a never ending story.  At least I've been contributing some.......I've made over 130 thank you cards for her to send out........  also about 30 tags to add to gifts and that type of thing.  So I haven't just been sluffing off and not creating anything.

I'll enter this in the Tuesday Throwdown challenge (frame it)and Pixie's Crafty Workshop (snippets).

Thanks for stopping by..............


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  14. Hey, it's good to see something new and different. It is Critter Free Thursday! Lovely card, Lynn

  15. Your card is so beautiful Lynn!! I really love that gorgeous woodgrain background especially with your wreath image!! I completely understand just how busy we can get!! I try to stay with hubby on the weekends when I can while he's still working. WOWZER 130 thank you cards?!! You wee quite busy!! Enjoy your time with family! HUGS

  16. Lovely snippets card Lynn. If you have time to find me and the rest of the hooligans behind the bike sheds, please drop by for something refreshing. Sounds like you might be in need of a little pick me up after making so many thank you cards!
    Hugs, Sarn x

  17. I love this wreath, Lynn! It looks perfect on the wood grain!

  18. I really like this! The woodgrain and the wreath work so well together!

    I know what you mean about graduations. At our local high school they have a whole week of activities, awards, programs, and then finally the actual graduation. Interestingly enough, college graduations are almost the exact opposite and are barely celebrated in this area.

  19. Very pretty card, Lynn. I love that wreath and the wood bg. Super birthday card.

    Congrats to your Granddaughter and how lucky she is to have you crafting for her. You are right about all the celebrations - everything now is so blown up like that. Have to outdo the previous year or the other schools. Super fun for the grad though. Hugz

  20. How pretty is this!! I love it, Lynn!

  21. Wonderful card, love the stamps and colour combo, its perfect as it is without a little critter. Emmax

  22. What a lovely card Lynn - love the wreath against the 'wood' background! Your GD is very lucky to have you pitching in for sure! Super to see you in the Playground again.


    Di x

  23. Oh LYnn, it sounds like my house - and we are doing just about that much running around and that much craziness! Love the card, very classic! And congratulations to the graduate!

  24. Beautiful card, even without a critter!!
