Monday, November 8, 2010

Three Buttons and One Bow

The theme for the challenge at Stamps R Us is Buttons and Bows. Be SURE and check it out and play along since there is a very nice prize! The challenge started last week and will not end for another week. So get your entry in this week!

This is a digi from, well.....I don't know where! If you recognize where it came from please let me know. I'm about to get myself organized on filing those digis so I'll know where they came from, but just haven't a clue where I got this one. The stripe background paper is also another "unknown"! Ugh! It was in the scrap pile and thought it would fit with the image. The solid blue card stock and the ribbon is Pacific Point. The sentiment is from Tiny Tags (SU).

This started out (at least in my mind) to be a great card.....I was scooting right along with it and decided to stitch around the background out the trusty sewing machine, got it threaded, made sure it was on zig-zag.....and away I went...............After going around the card about 3/4 of the way, I looked down and all I had was HOLES! The thread hadn't been in the machine right!!! Instead of starting over on the entire card (like a normal person would have probably done) I finished "sewing" all the holes around the paper. After that I got some floss and kinda roped stitched in the holes......It didn't turn out like I wanted, but then, if you stop and think, very few cards ever do turn out exactly as planned!

Thanks for stopping by...............



  1. Well how about that, turning something which could have been a disaster into something absolutely fantastic! You clever girl Lynn. This card is fabulous. Just love the "stitching", what you've done with those buttons and that bow is perfect! Will have to come for lessons. Thanks for your regular viists, I really appreciate them. Tons of hugs, Sharon

  2. What a sensational card with all your hand stitching!! Delightful button placement for this sweet layout!! Great job with this sassy lass, Lynn!

  3. Funny the stitching was the first thing I saw and loved it because it was different and I couldn't believe you took the time to hand stitch, wow. Love the image and how you colored, perfection and the colors are so perfect for the image and those little buttons, love them. Well done!!!!

  4. I love the stitching and after reading your post, I had to laugh becuse it was an "oops". Even if it didn't come out as planned I think it looks amazing! The image is shaded beautifully and all of the colors just "pop" off the card. Very, very pretty! :)

  5. LOL..It turned out fabulous...might have to lift that idea. LOL Beautiful card.

  6. Isn't that the truth, our minds see things differently then our hands. But the card is terrific, love it.

    Check out my latest blog and see if you find your name. Wahoo!

  7. Super cute card! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Your stitching is great! How clever of you!

  9. this is such a cute card-love the sweet digi image and she is colored so wonderfully-I think you did an awesome job turning your mistake around

  10. I noticed the stitching right away and thought I really liked that stitch, it's a little different! Great card and I am so glad to know I am not the only one that forgets the origins of her things!

  11. I think it turned out great! I can't believe you hand stitched all of it. Love those little buttons.

  12. Love this card - great job! Love the stitching and the image! :)

  13. What a sweet card that is, Lynn. Love the striped paper and the blues. The image is so cute and the ribbon is wonderful. I love the rugged looking ribbons you use... and the stitching adds so much. Love those buttons as well.

    Thanks for all the lovely thoughts you leave on my blog - means the world to me!

    xxx Monica

  14. This is adorable! Sweet image and wonderful colors! ...thank you for stopping by my blog! :o)

  15. Love everything about this card... the image, stitching and of course the buttons and bows! Hugs, Karen

  16. Terrific stitching! A really great card!

  17. Wow - i think the sewing mishap actually turned out great!! I love the stitching you ended up with!!
    I don't recognize the digi - but you did great!!

  18. Adorable card Lynn... I love the image & your layout.

  19. This is so sweet Lynn, I love that adorable image and you colored her beautifully!
    Hugs, Christine

  20. This is so cute! Love the colors. The buttons are super! Great card!

  21. That's a cute image and I like the paper, ribbon and buttons you paired it with. I think it's very creative that you came up with a solution to your holes without thread and make a fun, 3D element to your card.

  22. Super cute card, love your trio of buttons- great idea!
