Monday, September 3, 2012

Photos and Fire Ants

A couple of weeks back, Lesley, over at Always Playing with Paper, had the prettiest card using some of the the Papillon Potpourri images from SU.  I really liked it and decided to CASE it today.  I used some Real Red, Black, and White for my card.  I didn't emboss on this like she did but thought it would make a good note card just the same.

Of course nothing is EVER easy for me!  I got the entire card completed and then decided to go ahead and add the little feelers to these guys.  Not a problem at all - got them all lined up - stamped away - and WOW!  I did it without messing up the card!  Then looked down and had a couple of smudges of black ink on one side!  SO, I ended up adding a little more polka dot DP to cover them up!  Whew!

SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT TODAY.......When I take a picture of my cards I usually like to do it outside.  Depending on the time of day and where the sun in coming from, I have to sit on the concrete patio and place the card on an old barn wood bench to take the shot.  We've been having a run on Fire Ants lately and if you don't know what they are, just feature an ant that's bigger than a sugar ant and yet smaller than a red ant and can sting like no body's business!  Ouch!  They hurt so bad......As I was sitting on the concrete yesterday taking this picture I didn't notice it, but actually sat in a few of these little boogers and they got in my pants - just stinging away!  I came flying in the house, pulling my pants down in the process...I won't even go into the comment that Jim made!  LOL!

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Thanks for stopping by...........


Anonymous said...

Lynn, I love both your cards and your stories. I can always look forward to a wonderful laugh from you. Great thinking on adding the extra polka dot paper. I think it looks like you planned it that way. I'm always so happy when I can cover up a boo boo. I love the red, white and black combo, always have. As for your little ant problem, I would have given anything to have been there and hear what Jim had to say. Enjoy your day and stay off the cement.

Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

Oh No!!!!!!!!!!! Ouchie!!!! Hope they didn't get you TOO bad!!! I'm sure Jim thought he might of been gettin' lucky! LOL

LOVE LOVE LOVE the card!!!!!!! You covered up the smudges great bc I don't see any! LOVE the layout!!

Monica said...

oh Lynn, poor you to be bitten by those ever so nasty creatures. I had my taste of them in Disney World in France and it did ruin my day, and it happened in three different areas - the worst one was my armpit!!! So I can empathise with you...

Now to this card... it looks ravishing in red. Love the butterfly stamps and the red polkas highlight everything so well.


Tammy said...

OH Lynn, what a horrible thing to happen to your bum! Thankfully, we do not have fire ants in PA. Love, love your beautiful card especially since I love polkadots!

MiamiKel said...

::: snort! ::: Oh Lynn! I think that visual will stay with me for the rest of the day, lol ... bless your heart! You had to be stinging for a good while - hope you are okay, today! Your card is a vision! We are heading out in about 10 minutes to see this very thing - nature! :)

Linda Simpson said...

LOL Lynn the picture you painted of you running through the house with your pants around your ankles gave me a little chuckle. I hope your butt is okay hun!

Your card is wonderful, you know I love butterflies and these are gorgeous.

Linda xxx

McCrafty's Cards said...

I do hope you are alright Lynn after having ants in your pants lol. Beautiful car, I love the butterflies and the papers.
Kevin xx

Lynn McAuley said...

This card is gorgeous, Lynn! The black butterflies look very dramatic with the red polka-dot background!

Sorry about those ants in your pants!! Gotta love Texas!!

Anne Temple said...

Fabulous card! Love that dp paper and the color combo is one of my favorites. So sorry to hear about the fire ants. I know that hurt!!!!

CarlaKH said...

oh my goodness! I bet you really were moving fast! hehe. Lovely card! That reminds me of when I was a kid- my sister and I were digging in the yard and all the sudden realized we were being bitten by ants! NOT FUN!

Bonnie said...

These beauties are so pretty on the red polka dots, Lynn! I've never been brave enough to try to stamp the antennae. I figure I'll mess it up less by drawing them. But I still smudge. Great coverup. I wouldn't have guessed it. I have to chuckle at your description of getting rid of those ants. Hope they didn't get you too bad.

Faye said...

Oh Lynn, this is a stunner. I can't tell you how much I love it, and the colour palette is FAB. X

Shawna said...

OUCH! Sorry about the fire ants, but you get the prize with this card! It is super lovely and I really like the addition of that extra DP. I enjoyed all the cards on your blog that came up on my screen........ the inspiration for your mermaid card is so dang cute!!!

Margaret said...

Umm...OUCH!! Although I'm sure you did give your DH quite a chuckle!

I really like the butterflies in black and white, especially with the red background! Bravo on the smudge fix! Looks fantastic!!

Carol L said...

This red card is hot, hot, hot! Or was that your ant-biting experience? OUCHIE! I hate ants! Sorry you had to experience that, but I'd love to have been a fly on the wall to hear Jim's reaction :) You tell the funniest stories :)
The butterflies look gorgeous on those red polka dots, and I love how cleverly you covered up your oops smudge! NJ!

NanaConnie said...

There are no mistakes -- only opportunities, right? Love the card, especially the color combo and the polka dots! Oh, yes, I'm familiar with fire ants. Although we don't have them here in California, I met several of them more than once when I visited my daughter then living in Houston. Nasty little critters, they are! Can't blame you for running into the house pulling off your clothes!

gale said...

Ouch! The things we do for our crafts. lol. The card is gorgeous!! Great idea to cover up smudges like that.

Shelly Schmidt said...

Love this great card- love everything about it! OMG- OUCH! I have heard about the ants there- seriously- love your story and now will be chuckling imagining you running in the house with your 'pants on fire'.......

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

Your butterfly card is gorgeous... such striking colors. Love it!

Sorry about the fire ants though. They are no fun!

Shannon White said...

Ohh, Lynn, I have sucha visual mind so I am picturing the whole Fire Ant experience, and though I am so sorry they got you, I can't help but laugh, lol..I can only imagine what your DH had to say, lol Your card, btw, is just Beautiful! 8-) Love the Darling Butterflies and pretty polka dots too! 8-)

Big Hugs


Lesley said...

Painful - they sound like insects one can live with out - glad we don't have them here red ants only in England - but the card is lovely - best wishes Lesley x

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Lynn - I can imagine the scene - and the comments :-)!!
Stunning card with the red, black and white.

Darlene said...

Really pretty card, thank goodness the last minute decision on adding to the butterflies didn't mess things up, you're brave! Stinging ants in your pants. Oh my, the lengths we go to for good pictures of our cards! I'm sure you will watch out for them next time.

Marilyn said...

Fabulous card and I love the red, black and white. Those patterened butterflies are gorgeous.
hahahahha... laughed at your story and I get a visual while reading it. Not sure I would have made it to the house before the pants came off, good thing you didn't drop the camera... oh, this could have been a really huge disaster Lynn!

Nancy in Iowa said...

Ants in you pants - what a funny (albeit) PAINFUL story!
The antenna come lately - look fabulous. I don't think I would have thought to do that. But I will in the future - and think of you when I do!
I love the (un-intended)polka dot cover up story too. I can't tell you how many of my cards have a 'covert ops' story to go with them. (Paper, bling, extra layer, punch, name it....if you see it on my can always think "hmmmm....wonder if she had that planned all along or if there is an OOPS under there."

Great card - delightful story - and I actually think the butterflies POP even more with the addition of the polka strips.

Later my friend....