Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Early Christmas Present

I've received an early Christmas present - and am SO excited to share with you! As you know I've been a Guest Designer for the month of December for Dude Time Doodles.

Well.......drum roll here........I've been asked to stay on a permanent basis as a Design Team member for Dude Time Doodles! I'm so honored and excited about this as it's such a fun blog. Check out Boni's images in her STORE and you'll see some adorable images for the "dudes" in your life. Be prepared to laugh, smile, and just get a good feeling all over.

Other news: I've pre-posted a card for tomorrow but will not be around for a few days. I've got two very lovely little granddaughters here and they just need all my attention right now! I will be checking in on your blog as soon as I can.

Thanks for stopping by.............



Rach said...

Wow! What an honor! :o)

Enjoy those precious girlies! :o) I wish you the Merriest of Christmases and time spent with family.


Tammy said...

Yeah Lynn, welcome abord. I am so very happy for you and for the team, you are a great addition!

Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

Congrats and WELL DESERVED!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Tina Connolly said...

Very cool....congrats!
Merry Christmas.

Lesley said...

well done - have a wonderful time with your grand children and I hope you have a great Christmas - best wishes
lesley x

Karen Howard said...

Congratulations and have lots of fun!

Lynn McAuley said...

Congratulations, Lynn! Those dudes are going to be looking sharp now!!!

Alissa said...

Woo hoo!!! Congrats Lynn!!

Kathy and Lucky said...

Congrats!!!!! What a great present and they are so lucky to have such a talented lady on their team!!! Have a great time with your granddaughters and a great holiday, will see you in the new year, since I will be taking a break to be with my family next week.

Shelly Schmidt said...

Wahoo! Way to go Lynn! I look forward to more of your great cards!!! Congrats and enjoy those little ones!

Sharon said...

Oh wow Lynn, this is excellent news! Congrats honey... your cards are an absolute delight to view and it's a real pleasure visiting you. Enjoy the time with your grandchildren and a very Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your constant visits and comments. I'll catch up with you again soon, hugs Sharon x

Unknown said...

Wow!! Congratulations Lynn! They are so lucky to have you!

Warm Wishes

Susan (peebsmama) said...

You do great work so it's no surprise they want you on permanently. Congrats.

Tina said...

Congratulations to a very deserving, creative person! Happy Holidays!