Thursday, December 17, 2015

From the Family

I guess this is our family photo for the year.  Can't decide if I'm the mouse or the bear though!  Jim would probably say I'm grumpy as a bear sometime but I see myself as the little mouse - besides that, she's cute!  Rambo looks pretty dashing in that red sweater and Santa hat too.

The mouse and bear are stamps from Jane's Doodles and the little doxie stamp is from There She Goes.  I used distress ink on the sky background and then splattered some Frost White for snowflakes. 

I'll enter this in the challenge at Pixie's Crafty Workshop (lots of snippets on this one). 

This will be my last post for a little while.  The kiddos are coming - in waves - and I plan to spend as much time with them as possible since I haven't seen them in a year.  I'll try and schedule one more card next week but doubt if I'll have time to visit anyone's blog.  I'll see everyone again soon.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  At times, it's been a pretty rough year for Jim and I but we're hoping for a better 2016.  Thanks to everyone for your support, love, and comments through the year.  It means more than you'll ever know.

Thanks for stopping by..........


Lisa said...

This is so sweet!! I love the adorable image!! You colored it beautifully!! I hope you have a very happy holiday season with your family, Lynn!! Merry Christmas!! Hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Anonymous said...

I think you are the little darling mouse. We won't pay any attention to what Jim has to say. LOL Wow Rambo never looked so dashing. You made an adorable Family Photo card this year. I just love it. Jack & I wish you, Jim and the rest of your family the best holiday season you can have and of course we know 2016 will have to be better than this year was for you both. I don't plan on being on the computer much this next week either. Too many last minute things that I thought I'd have done by now, but NO!!!! Enjoy the time with your family. Talk to you in January.

Tracy said...

Lynn this is fab, love it all.

Have an amazing Christmas my friend, I hope it is filled with lots of love and laughter.
I know 2015 has been a tough one for Jim and you but I am sure 2016 will be a great one.

Thank you for always stopping by and leaving such nice comments, they always make me smile and mean a lot xxx

Linda Simpson said...

A beautiful card and love the images which are so beautiful.
Linda xxx

Chrissy said...

What a gorgeous "family photo" Lynn..fabulous colouring, I love your background.I wish you and Jim a very Merry Christmas and a happy,safe and healthy New Year for 2016..


Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

Great job Lynn!! You're coloring is perfect!
Wishing you, Jim and Rambo a very Merry Christmas and health and happiness in 2016! I may not comment much anymore but I do visit your blog all the time!!!!

Maria :)

*Vicki* said...

AWE!! Now that is too cute Lynn! :) I just love your "family photo" in stamp cartoon style!! LOL!! The images are adorable and your coloring is spot on with all of them!! Great card!! HUGS

Tammy said...

You already know how much I love the adorable and sweet card! Yup, you're definitely the cute mouse! I'll be chatting with you but make sure you enjoy your time with your family, I'm so happy for you!

McCrafty's Cards said...

Gorgeous card Lynn, I like the sweet images and the scene you created
Kevin xx

Tammy said...

This is adorable Lynn!! I love the fun little Christmas scene you've created, all of the images are so cute! I hope you and Jim have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year!!
Big Hugs, Tammy

Liz said...

This is SO cute, especially the adorable little dog. Fabulous card! xx

kiwimeskreations said...

What a sweet card Lynn - and I think you may be he mouse too - very quiet, but with the ability to create waves :-).
Hugs and blessings to you
Best wishes for Christmas to Jim and Rambo too

Carol L said...

This is my kind of family photo and it's so stinkin' cute! I know you're the mouse in spite of what Jim might think, and Rambo looks pretty darned spiffy in his red sweater! Great job of paper piecing, and I hope you enjoy the visit from your family and spend many cherished moments together! Merry Christmas and a very happy new year too!

KT Fit Kitty said...

This is awesome, Lynn! I love it when people do family cards of critters! You look so adorable as the mouse! Jim makes a fine bear and I think Rambo is my favourite! He's so adorable! Have fun with your family! Yes, you guys have had a rough year - I think 2016 will be much better - hopefully for all of us! Sending lots of hugs your way! Merry Christmas!

Doreen said...

This is beautiful,love the details,fab

Di said...

Oh this really is darling! Lovely card Lynn - and isn't Rambo a real smarty-pants :) I see you as the cute mouse BTW!

Wishing you a wonderful time over the Holidays and let's hope that 2016 is a better year honey! Thank you so much for all your support in the Playground - you may well be too busy I appreciate, but I have a whole load of prizes on offer over the coming two weeks, beginning from Sunday.

Big hugs my friend!

Di xx

Bonnie said...

Rambo steals the show in his Christmas togs! Enjoy your family. What a blessing to be together. Sending Christmas hugs....

Lori Kobular said...

Love it! Those critters all dressed up for the cold weather are so stinking cute!! Love that sky too!

NanaConnie said...

It's a perfect family photo, Lynn, and you are definitely the mouse. Rambo is clearly identifiable. :-D
Enjoy your Christmas, my friend, and the kids when they visit. I'm off on Christmas travels for the next 2 weeks so I'll be scarce on visiting blogs myself. Hugs.

MaryH said...

Yea, you're the cute mouse! (sorta like the Little Red Hen from the nursery story - maybe you remember!). This is just delightful and fun...cute as can be. Enjoy your visit with the family. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and best wishes that 2016 will be all that you wish it to be. TFS & Hugs.

Davi said...

Lynn your "family photo" is the BEST!! I think for sure you are the mouse lol!! Seriously its a darling card!! Love the snowy scene and indeed Rambo looks delightful in his Christmas coat and hat ;) So glad your kiddos are coming, Im sure you will have such a wonderful time together! My daughter and family are moving back stateside and flew into Vegas Friday night. I was able to go pick them up and got to have them here till Sunday. A really blessing after not seeing them for over a year! They are now off to Disneyland and to spend Christmas with her sis since she hasnt seen her in 4 years! We too have had a rough year and looking forward to better times. So Im wishing you all a fabulously Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!!

Anne Temple said...

This is adorable. Love your 'family card" Rambo looks dashing in his red sweater. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and that 2016 will be easier.

Shelly Schmidt said...

I love this fun card- your 'family' is lovely! I always think of you when I see doxie stamps- this is just darling : )