Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Crooked Card

This is one of those "if it's going to go wrong, it will"!

I got the image (from SU) colored and decided to add some Wink of Stella to the berries.  Going along great and then the Wink decided to see how big of a puddle it could make!  It went all over the card - and I wasn't even squeezing it.  Think it has a life of it's own.

Ok, ditch that and start over.  Colored the image, added the Wink again, and stamped the sentiment - CROOKED!

Start over!  Go through the entire process again and dang if I still didn't get the sentiment a little crooked!  It'll pass though so I'll try not to think about that.  Got the patterned paper glued down and added that beautiful burlap paper that has gold thread running through it.  After finishing the entire card noticed the burlap looks like it's going downhill!  (By now, I'm thinking the entire card has gone downhill!!!)  Anyway, I know I cut the burlap straight so what's the deal!  Well, duh......the entire paper pack of that burlap is crooked!  Hence, we have the crooked card!  If you just kinda tilt your head to the right, it looks pretty good!

My first Christmas card for this year though!  It's a start even if it's not such a great start!

I'll enter this over at The Rudolph Days Challenge.  I kept wanting to enter this challenge last year and never did.  Every year I say I'm going to start early on making cards for Christmas - and never do.  Maybe this year will be different.

Thanks for stopping by...........


Becca Cruger said...

Well... intense process or not, you've achieved a gorgeous Christmas card. I admire that you're starting them early!

Shelly Schmidt said...

I love your write ups- always put a smile on my face! I love the added texture and dimension on your card from the burlap- and your coloring is wonderful!

Linda Simpson said...

Great Christmas card Lynn, I think we have all had days like yours especially trying to stamp a sentiment straight.
Linda xxxx

Jacee said...

It's very pretty Lynne, a lovely image and if you hadn't told us about your 'mishaps' I'm sure no one would ever know, I love it!
Hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

Lisa said...

It might have taken a few tries, but it's absolutely gorgeous, Lynn!! The image is beautiful and colored perfectly!! I think the burlap looks fabulous the way it is!! Have a great day :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Sue - said...

I think we've all made cards like that! The burlap looks fine to me - after all it's meant to look rustic and your image is beautifully coloured. I love that stamp - one of my faves!

Twinks Stamping said...

Love this SU image, lovely card and well done you for carrying on! Thank you for your kind comments on my card too xx Jan

Carol L said...

LOL, you had a dickens of a time getting this card finished didn't you!? Burlap definitely DOES have a mind of it's own, and it stretches from side to side, which is what gives it that homespun look! I really like how this one turned out in spite of the mishaps - it's a beautiful Christmas card!

Sue said...

Oh wow this is really gorgeous! what a beautiful card huggles Sue xxx

Deepti said...

Beautiful card, beautiful coloring and awesome burlap panel!

Jean said...

You ended up with a beautiful card even if it began with a few false starts. I think we have all had some of those, I know I have, (more than a few.) I love the beautifully coloured bird image and the burlap with the gold thread in it.
Jean x

Darnell said...

Oh, good heavens, it's so slight, Lynn, we wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't pointed it out! It's a beautiful card and I'd be honored to have it if you want to send it to me at Christmas!

I'm sorry about the WOS pooping and the other crookity card. You didn't throw it out tho, right? You can always put a paper flag sediment over it.

And I have to ask, do you own a Stamp-a-ma-jig? I'm guessing no. I put it off for a decade before I got mine and now I cringe to think how crooked my cards must have been without it! And we only used wooden stamps in those days so it was always a crap shoot! I love my SAMJ, especially as I'm getting to the doddering stage of life!! (Sorry for the episthistle!!) Hugs, Darnell

scrappymo! said...

What a pretty card. I had a giggle reading your post as I thought I was the only person these crooked problems happen to!

Many a time i have recut the image so as to straighten the

Thanks for taking part in my first Rudolph Days challenge of 2015.

Liz said...

It was worth all the effort ~ beautiful card. The burlap gives the card a lovely textured look. xx

Chriss America Real said...

ugh how frustrating! But it looks great!

Tammy said...

You shouldn't have told us since the card is so pretty, know one would notice! Beautiful card and good for you getting a start!

Tammy said...

Oh Lynn, I think this Christmas is gorgeous! I love that image and it's colored beautifully! Worth all the effort for sure!
Tammy x

Anonymous said...

I hate when I have days like that- nothing can go right. In the time you spend making certain cards, you could have gone out to a store, bought a card, signed it and hand delivered it and stopped at the market on the way home. I am sorry about all of your problems with this one, but I really think it came out lovely. Someone once told me burlap had a mind of it's own, so I never bought any. I love it but have the feeling that it would not love me back, so - no go! Your coloring is beautiful especially on that gorgeous bird. Have a better day tomorrow.

KT Fit Kitty said...

You're too hard on yourself, Lynn! The sentiment and burlap look fine and the card is gorgeous! I love the beautiful stamp!

ahlers5 said...

Gosh, I know how you feel. Sometimes I'll be 90% done coloring and be happy with it and the marker "bloops." That's a real killer. No way to really fix that. Love the card. The burlap looks great. I need to get going on my February Christmas cards.

Brenda said...

Lynn you crack me up! I think this card looks beautiful!!! I wouldn't have ever notice the burlap going down hill if you hadn't pointed it out and I never noticed the sentiment being a tad bit crooked either! Now I understand the wink of stella making a mess because I think they do have a life all their own. lol Mine had barely any liquid in it, so I added some water like everyone says to do. It just keeps disappearing and I don't use the pen that dang much! lol Even though this card gave you such a hard time, it is just beautiful. I am so in love with that burlap with the gold running through it. It gives such texture to this card and adds that natural rustic appeal. That pattern paper you used is just beautiful too. Hugs, Brenda

Sassy Raggedy said...

Well your card looks beautiful to me however I do know who it feels to have a big blob spurt out. Happens with my copics a lot. Love your card Lynn and hang in there. Hugs, joann

Joan Ervin said...

LOL!!! Thanks for the chuckle, Lynn...I think we all have had crooked days at one time or another!!!! Your card is beautiful and I didn't even tilt my head!! Kudos to you for starting on Christmas cards...I haven't even got my Christmas tree down yet!! (hanging head in shame)

Kath said...

A fabulous card with lots of lovely texture - I wouldn't have noticed the crooked burlap if you hadn't mentioned it!

Thank you for joining in the fun at the January Rudolph Day Challenge.

Kath x
Guest Designer

Tracy said...

I didn't even notice the burlap until you said !!
BUT even though it sounds like you had lots of fun it is a lovely card Lynn, beautiful image.
Hope you are well ?
Have a good weekend xxx

Donna Ellis said...

Hi, Lynn! Sometimes it is so difficult when things don't happen nicely in our paper crafting. The end result is fabulous, though! When I stamp a sentiment directly on the same layer as the main image, and it smudges or comes out crooked, I just stamp the image on a separate piece of paper, die cut it out in a shape, and pop it on top of the blunder! LOL Thanks for sharing your burlap beauty. hugs, de

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Sorry you had such a hard time, Lynn. It is gorgeous, however, despite you... LOL! I think the burlap tends to do that downward curve when you apply the adhesive.

Bonnie said...

LOL, this turned out wonderful despite all the challenges! I like the interest the burlap adds. Much better than straight!

Sarn said...

Well this year is DEFINITELY different because you've already made a start on your Christmas cards!

Despite the problems you had, your perseverance has paid off as you've made a stunner here.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Lori Kobular said...

Lynn ~ I don't think your card looks crooked at all ~ as a matter of fact I think it is beautiful! I love the image with that gorgeous bird and I think the addition of the burlap is a nice touch!

Anne Temple said...

Your card is gorgeous (and you don't have to tilt your head) and your story made me laugh, especially the crooked burlap. Fabulous coloring of the image too!

MaryH said...

(1)Thanks for joining in with 2015's #1 Rudy Day (2) you are being entirely too picky about this beautiful card! Of course I love this image...bird, holly & all that. Your sentiment looked just fine to me - and so did the burlap. That was inspired designing to add in the texture with those pretty papers in the striped layout as you did it. This is a real winner. TFS & Happy wkend. Hugs too.

*Vicki* said...

Oh Lynn, this card is sooo pretty!! I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't told me!! LOL!! I love the added texture with your burlap! Really pretty and good for you on Christmas cards for this year...have I made one yet? Nope!! LOL!

NanaConnie said...

Love the story of this card, Lynn! That'll have me smiling all day. :-D However, if you hadn't pointed out the downhill burlap and barely crooked (doesn't look crooked to me) sentiment, I never would have noticed. Or, I would have assumed you did it that way deliberately! Great card, my friend!

Benzi said...

Lynn, you are just too funny. But, I've been there when it seemed nothing was going to go right. Just the same, your card is beautiful and I LOVE that image.

Leslie Hanna said...


It's difficult enough to get things straight, but when the paper is MADE crooked, there really is no hope. I'd say the burlap was carefully cut on the diagonal for added interest, and make us be impressed at your mad cutting skills.

Oh, about your card...It's lovely, gorgeous, textural, etc., and if you hadn't pointed out the trauma, no one would be the wiser.

PS: I do the same thing, though, so I hear you!

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Lynn, for a card that fought you all the way this is pretty darn good!

Unknown said...

Coo! You could have been writing about me! Wink of Stella is scary! I have to test brush it on a scrap of paper before putting it anywhere NEAR a card now after drenching one in it. I don't know what upset me the most, the waste of WOS or the ruined card! Well I'm glad you stuck with it 'coz perseverance paid off. Your card is amazing and deserved to get made after all it's trials. (I never noticed the sloping burlap or sentiment either). xxx

Kat W said...

It's more of a start on Christmas cards than I have made and it's a fab design - the burlap looks fine and adds a great texture to the card :-)

I've had the same thing with a blobby Wink of Stella pen too - so irritating!

Big hugs, Kat x

Jessi Fogan said...

I can comment now that I've finished laughing, oh my. Sounds like at least half the cards I make!! Lots of blue air around here :) I think it's gorgeous and it darn well better be after all that bloody trouble!

Nancy in Iowa said...

You are one determined lady! I would probably not started over. What? you couldn't strategically place one your 'signature sequins' over the 'more than a blink of a Wink'!? hehehehehehe!
While reading this I had to scroll back up to see you down hill burlap. I would NOT have noticed without your verbal finger pointing. The card is lovely and good for you getting a jump on Christmas card stock piling!
We have an awesome covering of stark white snow here in NW Iowa after a night of flurrying flakes - which are still gently falling (and adding up) - it should be the PERFECT inspiration for me to crank out a few Christmas cards....even crooked ones!

Marilyn said...

Gorgeous card Lynn and your story sounds like how a lot of my cards become creations... garbage gets taken out daily from the craftroom sometimes!

nwilliams6 said...

Crooked or not (which I would not notice anyway), this card came out super pretty! Love the burlap. Hugz

JD/ Jill said...

You mean I'm not the only who does those things! Well, after reading your post and some of the comments by others here...I guess NOT! Sorry you had such a difficult time getting your card done...been there...done that! smile.
The card looks perfectly lovely to me.

Monica said...

Adorable image and I love the jute fabric.