Friday, October 14, 2011

A Droopy Day

As you're sitting her reading this post, I'll be sitting in the hospital with hubby.  He's having bypass surgery on his leg today - and IS NOT a happy person with all this right now!  Thought I'd make him this card so when he woke up after the surgery maybe he'd at least get a small chuckle.  I really doubt there will be much laughter though.  But, the way I look at it - at least they can do something for him and there are so many they can't.

This image is from Just Inklined and I thought it was just too cute.  If this little pup had been a doxie it would have just been perfect since that's what kind of dog we have.  We've really been trying to train Rambo (our doxie) to be a little bit nicer when he's on the leash.  He's a very strong little guy and has already busted  three leashes.  This last one we got is for dogs 50 pounds or more (Rambo only weighs 13).  He hasn't busted it yet but it's real hard to tell who is walking who.

I'll enter this in the challenges at Cards for Men (Make Us Laugh) and Sweet Stampin Callenge (Masculine).

Thanks for stopping by........I'll pop in to see everyone as soon as I can but they may be hit and miss for a couple of days.



Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

Best wishes for a successful surgery for your hubby today!! I'll say a prayer all goes well!!

I'm sure he'll appreciate the card! Love your coloring girl!!!

Wow - Rambo must be strong!! THREE leashes??

Have a good day!!! Check back in to let us know everything went well!!


Marilyn said...

This is great Lynn and so, so funny! Hope hubby is feeling 'not so droopy' soon!

Kathy and Lucky said...

Prayers with you and hubby :) I think he will get a little giggle or at least a smile from your card, it is really funny. I know what you mean about being nice on a leash, everyone parts when Lucky and I are walking since he snarls and growls when on the leash, but a sweetie when off. Kind of embarrassing since he is only 12 lbs. I will be thinking of ya this weekend. Make sure you get some rest as well.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, Adorable card. He looks like I feel some days. LOL. Great sentiment and I love the stitching you added. The shade of blue is perfect. I have two Yorkies that I thought were tough when on their leashes and meeting other doggies, but I think Roxie has them beat. Good Luck. I find training very hard. enjoy your weekend.

McCrafty's Cards said...

Brilliant card Lynn, I hope all goes well with your husbands surgery, my thoughts are with you both.
Kevin xx

Tammy said...

Oh Lynn, I hope your husband recovers quickly. I'll keep you both in my prayers.
Love, love your card! Your amazing coloring and the perfect DP are a wonderful combination.

Anne Temple said...

Love the image and your coloring. Hope everything goes well with your husband, and don't forget as a caregiver, you need to keep your strength and health up too.

Sharon said...

A gorgeous card honey and wish you and of course DH all the best with his operation. Sendings prayers and hugs your way, Sharon x

Lynn McAuley said...

They say that after a while people begin to resemble their dogs!! Looks like that could be true!! What a fun card, Lynn!

NanaConnie said...

I'm keeping both of you in my prayers, Lynn. Love the card. Hugs.

Linda Simpson said...

OMG Lynn, this card is just so coooooool!!!!! I love the image and the stitching looks fabulous. :)

Linda xxx

Shirley said...

OMGosh! He's a hoot and so is his dog!!!! Grinning here!

Shirley said...

OMGosh! What a hoot and so is his dog! Grinning from ear to ear here!

Mary Marsh said...

hope all went well with hubby's surgery today Lynn-justreadingthis on Friday night-so prayers are coming his way right now

Margaret said...

First of all, prayers for your hubby and you as he goes through his surgery and recovery!
This card is wonderful! Love the gingham and the stitching!Such a fun image!

Joan Ervin said...

Your card is adorable, Lynn, and sure to bring a chuclkle to you Dh!!!! Your coloring is beautiful and I love how you did the sewing aling the sides!!!! Hope all goes well and your DH is up and about soon!!!!

♥Gemma♥ said...

My thoughts & prayers are with you & your hubby as he goes through his surgery & for a speedy recovery!!
Love your card hun..image is fantastic & love the gingham too..Brill!!
hugs and xxx

Erum Tasneem said...

I hope the surgery goes smoothly and your hubby recovers soon. I adore your card and you are right, the image is fabulous.

Tammy said...

Adorable card Lynn!! I LOVE that image and your coloring is awesome! I hope your hubby is doing well. Sending prayers your way!
Hugs, Tammy

Laura said...

Hey Lynn, your husband is in my prayers. And yes a surgery can make you feel like this guy on your card. I hope everything goes very good.

MiamiKel said...

Oh Lynn, I'm sorry about your hubby - I will be praying for you both and keeping you in close thought. Anything out of our norm always gives us cause to worry and you have much prayer behind you! Your card is so wonderful - coloring is fantastic and the blue gingham is perfect. Hugs!

Karen said...

Hi Lynn, I hope that your hubby is doing ok and that the surgery went well. And I can empathize with him about not being a happy camper. I am sure that your card will bring a smile to his face and help him forget his surgery at least for a moment. I love the gingham that you used on your card. Your little Rambo must be living up to his name...3 leashes...WOW

Nancy in Iowa said...

Cute card. Fun story about Rambo. I hope your husband is doing well. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

helloholley said...

this image is hilarious!!! Your card is great too!!! ;)

Shannon White said...

OmGoodness Lynn! Such a Fun card! By all rights it should put a smile on your Hubby's face.. ( made me smile.. lol) Sure hope he is doing better and is on the mend to a speedy recovery. 8-) Sending Big Hugs and prayers too!

Shannon 8-)

Nannieflash said...

Fabulous card love your image and your papers. Thanks for joining us at CFM, good luck with the challenge. hugs Shirleyxxxx

Natali said...

Your card is beautiful!! I love your colouring.. And image so funny ))
Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin` this time and we hope to see you again soon.

Monica said...

Lynn, I love your stoic and humorous attitude. I am sure DH will love this card... love the gingham and ofcourse the image is the funniest. Such great colouring there. And what perfect stitching. The button looks so becoming.

I had a chuckle and a half reading about who walks who... Lol.

xxx Monica

Carol L said...

It's hard to feel droopy when you see a card like this that just makes you smile from ear to ear! This is SO cute, and I love your stitching!!

Zoe said...

Lynn this is a really funny card, they say that owners eventually look like their dogs, just hope your hubby found it funny (and hope he's ok after his op). Thanks for joining in at Sweet Stampin, hugs Zoe x

Cheryl said...

This is so fun! It makes me smile and is sure to cheer any one up. I love the design and the stitching.

Shelly Schmidt said...

What a great image- I hope he finds this funny- hope they give your hubby some good pain meds and keep him from being miserable! I LOVE seeing you sew on cards- you are super at it too! Yipee!

Wishcraft said...

Oh fab card! Love the fun image and gingham always looks gorgeous. Hope all went well for your hubby. Thanks for joining in at Sweet Stampin' :o) Lisa x