Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Quickie

A really quick CAS cards since I'm trying to get all these finished and in the mail this week.  Every year I swear I'm not going to do this bit of waiting until the last minute - but do it anyway.  I WILL try to be better next year!  (You notice I say "try")!

I have no idea where this image came from.  I found it lurking around in my craft area sandwiched in with some summer stamps!  Go figure that one out!!!  It's so nice to be that organized!   It's a clear stamp and that's all I can tell you about it except for the fact it's just the cutest and reminds me of Rambo!  I added glitter to the jacket and hat fur looking stuff but his hat looks a little dirty in the photo - he must have been chewing on it!  He's colored with Copics and popped up in the nestie.

Thanks for stopping by.........and I'll be back tomorrow with another one for Christmas and then try not to bore you with one last one for Friday.  Y'all really didn't think I could go through the holidays without a Fun Friday card for Christmas now did you!!!



Monica said...

Lynn, I was saying to myself that the hat looks really nice as it is so real looking. The doggie is very sweet.
The sentiment is as sweet as the image.

Carol L said...

OMG, you know I just LOVE this adorable doxie image wearing his Santa finery! I love the fur on his coat and he's prancing exactly like a doxie would do! I love his ears flying in the breeze :) TOO cute!

Anne Temple said...

Awww...he's so cute! Love him! (Did you see the new MFT release with the doxie? Thought of you as soon as I saw it.)

Lynn McAuley said...

Love this precious pup in his Santa suit!! What a sensational holiday card, Lynn! LOVE IT!

Benzi said...

What a cutie CAS card, Lynn. Love that dog in his Santa duds. My neighbor would adore this as she has two "weiner dogs".

Christmas is coming so fast. I hope to get to work on getting my cards ready for mailing today. So much to do and so little time.

Tammy said...

Oh, oh, oh absolutely adorable! Fabulous stamp and fabulous coloring, great Rambo Christmas card!

lauren bergold said...

weiner claus!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) sorry, i got distracted by that adorable puppy! such a cool card and it's flat/non-lumpiness is emphasizing MY crafty resolution for next year: make some cards that will not cost $1,000,000 to mail, lol!

ps: we'd love*LOVE*love for you to join us at jingle belles next year; i know it seems weird to make xmas cards all year long, but once you get into the swing it's actually kind of fun and when you come to december... HOLY WOW, it's such a nice feeling!!! we're starting up on new year's day... just sayin'... :) :) :)

McCrafty's Cards said...

Rambo is Santa! love it Lynn, that image is perfect.
Kevin xx

MaryH said...

You always have the most delightful critter stamps! This little Santa is just so cute. DD now has inherited her FIL's Doxie, Charlie. He is 13, but tries to bounce around with 2 of the greys. He is so cute trying to act like he's a youngster. Love this cheeky card and you've colored him brilliantly with the bright colors & of course his hat would be a little smudgy. What self-respecting dog would be seen in clean togs? LOL. Thanks for the cheery look today, and yes, we are enjoying the sun. It's coming & going, but still..... TFS & Hugs

Diane said...

Oh my gosh Lynn what an adorable doxie wearing a Santa outfit. Love it.

Hugs Diane

Anonymous said...

Lynn, this is darling. I love his head held so high showing off his new duds. Great coloring and I love the dotted paper also. Enjoy your day.

Linda Simpson said...

This could be a self portrait of Rambo in his Christmas Finery! Fabulous Lynn, love it.

Linda xxxx

Nancy in Iowa said...

A card filled with joy! Perfect! LOVE it!

NanaConnie said...

It's a Rambo card! Love it. Great job on the fur -- love the sparkle. Really wonderful dimension on the image, too. Hug Rambo for me. :-D

kiwimeskreations said...

So cute Lynn - beautiful image and wonderfully presented.

Jessi Fogan said...

Eek! Utter cuteness! I love the sparkle on his coat & hat - I say his because OBVIOUSLY this is Rambo :)

Diane said...

Another cute and adorable masterpiece....who wouldn't love to receive this cute little guy in the mail!!!

chrissy xx said...

Awhh! What a cutie! LOving your colours and design.

Tammy said...

Awww what a sweet pup and it's colored beautifully! Love the sparkle!

Darnell said...

This made me laugh out loud! You have the best stamps and images, Lynn! (I think it should say "Santa Claws!") Hugs, Darnell

Davi said...

Awwww Lynn is this tooo cute!! The little guy certainy looks like your little Rambo :)

Bonnie said...

I immediately thought of Rambo when I saw this! So cute!!!

Margaret said...

Well, where else would you expect to find a Santa Wiener dog stamp?? Sounds perfectly logical to me!!

This is such a sweet card and I love his wonderful outfit! Can't wait to see your Friday card!!