Friday, May 25, 2012

Just Not Me

Black and orange is SO not me!!!  When my son was playing football, their rival schools colors were black and orange - didn't like it then and don't like it now!  LOL!  But, when I saw the inspiration photo over at {Pin}spirational Challenges I thought I'd play along.  I kept thinking "Halloween" but just was not ready to even think about making a card for that,'s what I came up with.

Using the sketch from Mojo Monday, your now have a black and white card with orange butterflies on it!  You're probably thinking you've never seen an orange butterfly..... but now you've seen three of them!!   And yes....THIS time I even fluffed out the wings on those butterflies!  I really don't know what difference that makes though because once you stick it in an envelope to be mailed they're going to get squashed down again!  Guess I'll just have to tell who ever I send this card to, to be sure and fluff them back out.   Pretty self explanatory on all the stuff for this card for the challenges at {Pin}spirational and Mojo Monday.

Thanks for stopping by........and hope everyone has a great weekend.


Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

That's a tough color pallet for me too. Our rival HS was black and orange and I was HAPPY to have purple/yellow for my school colors!!

I love how the polka dot ribbon POPS like the butterflies!!

Have a great weekend!

Anne Temple said...

What a great way to use this combo! Love that line background you used for the butterflies too.

Cibele Glazer said...

I beg to differ! Black and orange is YOU because you did a fabulous job with the colors and the sketch. Black and orange just happens to be the colors of my favorite NHL team as well. :)

Monica said...

How very striking, Lynn, the shade of orange looks really nice on your card. And as ever it is classy.

Monica xxx

McCrafty's Cards said...

You might not like the black and orange Lynn, but you have made a gorgeous card with it, I like the butterflies and that bow.
Kevin xx

Lynn McAuley said...

Love this fabulous black and white design with the pop of orange!! Great work, Lynn!

Karen said...

This is so pretty Lynn and your butterfly is so bright and cheery. I am sure that I've seen orange butterflies. And I agree with you, it's a bit early for Halloween.

Sharon said...

Sorry honey, but I am just loving this colour combination. Not sure why I haven't thought of it before. This is a gorgeous card. Just love everything about it. hugs Sharon

Margaret said...

Very pretty! And to answer your question, there are orange butterflies. We see them around here quite often! So knock yourself out with those pretty orange butterflies!!
I have to agree that orange is not a favorite of mine and would also have thought Halloween, but your card is so much prettier than any ol' Halloween card!!

Linda Simpson said...

This is just fabulous Lynn! I am loving the orange butterflies they look brilliant with the black.

Linda xxx

NanaConnie said...

It's fabulous, Lynn! Love that it's mostly black and white. That really sets off the butterflies. Gorgeous polka dot bow!

Veronica Z said...

Lynn I LOVE your card! Your colors are fantastic!! Have a great weekend friend. Hugs.

Becky said...

This is beautiful Lynn! Love the black and white and the orange butterflies are so perfect.

Carol L said...

Oh Lynn, I really like your orange butterflies!! When I was a kid, our school colors were orange & black, and I always wondered why a school would choose Halloween colors for school spirit?! LOL I meant to play along with that challenge and forgot all about it, so now I'll be dragging my orange and black colors out soon too :)
Have a great holiday weekend my friend! Enjoy!

Corrinne said...

Stunning creation, Lynn! It's always hard to combine those 3 colors because it can come out looking almost "Halloween"ish. Your card is far from that & is just fabulous - LOVE it!

I am very happy that you shared this with us at {PIN}spirational Challenges! This would also fit Tuesday Alchemy's challenge this week at :)


PS - I have JEWELRY GIVEAWAYS on my blog right now!

Tammy said...

I love it Lynn! But I am a fan of black with any color and white! Love the polkadot ribbon too!

Margaret said...

Well, you really rocked it. Your card is gorgeous! Love how the butterflies really pop out.

Deanne Saunders said...

I love it Lynn!!! I love butterflies, especially orange ones!! Thanks for participating in the {PIN}spirational Challenge this week!


Bonnie said...

This is a difficult inspiration piece, Lynn. I think you did a superb job with it! The orange butterflies look so pretty against the black and white.

paige said...

Fabulous card Lynn! Love the black and white textured/patterned panels with the pop of orange blinged up butterflies. Our local HS colors are orange and black, so I saw a lot of this combo when our kids were in school. So happy you joined us at {PIN}spirational challenges AND put DT after your name!

Karen Howard said...

Fantastic card Lynn! The red really makes it pop! Hugs, Karen

Melissa said...

Love those orange, embossed butterflies! I usually use orange and black for Halloween too. This is great inspiration to use it for other themes! :) Thanks!

Kathy and Lucky said...

I like the colors, you did a great job of not making it look like Halloween. Loving those butterflies!!!! :)The background stamp and embossing is a great touch and added dimension. Love it. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Joan Ervin said...

You nailed both challenges perfectly, Lynn...this is such a pretty design with the beautiful fluffed butterflies and the polka dot bow....awesome design, gf!!!!

Shannon White said...

I'm with you Lynn! Lol the only time I like orange and black together is for Halloween! 8-) But this turned out Really Lovely! Doesn't look Halloweenish at all and it's really Very Pretty and fresh especially with the Sweet butterflies and the fun polkadot bow! Great job with the sketch too! 8-)

Hugs and Happy Memorial day Weekend!

gale said...

Halloween would be my first thought too. But your card came out great and doesn't look halloweenie at all!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn, for colors you don't like you did a marvelous job with them. Yes I have seen an orange butterfly, in fact we have quite a few of them here in New England. anyway I think your card is beautiful and I noticed you even embossed the butterflies besides fluffing them up. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Nancy in Iowa said...

Uniquely wonderful! Great take on the inspiration and sketch both!

Alissa said...

Wow Lynn, black and orange are definitely not you - at least not unless it's Halloween time! It came out really great just the same. Perhaps you'll start whipping out a lot more black and orange now. :)

Mary Marsh said...

you created a great card with this color combo Lynn-I like just the touch of orange -when you're the creator butterflies can be any color you want right!!

MiamiKel said...

OH hun, I think you did just fine with black and orange - what a striking color combo! a beauty! x0x0

Laura said...

What a lovely card. My moms fav color is orange oh and my brothers too. I could not help but laugh about the fluffing up the butterflies. I woke up my dh from his sleep.LOL...

Seongsook Duncan said...

Oh Lynn, It looks beautiful! You did a great job. I have a card kit of black/orange/olive green colors to make a birthday card. I agree that it is a striking color combination. Anyway, I had a gooooood laugh about your saying, "orange butterflies." Thanks for sharing.

Deena said...

I am totally loving the black and orange. Those butterflies really pop and are just gorgeous.

Shelly Schmidt said...

My kids school colors were orange/blk too- I do like them together though...LOL Awesome card and a great sketch too!

Erum Tasneem said...

what a fabulous creation!!

Monica said...

Hi Lynn, I do remember commenting on this card but it is not showing - Love the colour combo and the background looks so nice. Love the bright butterflies.

Monica xxx