Thursday, November 8, 2012

On A Roll

This may not look like much to y'all, but I'm so proud of myself!  I present you with a Ric-Rac flower!!!

I've never even attempted anything like this before and it only took me one "mess up" to get it done!  I had about four feet of this red Ric-Rac and was determined I'd do it - so found some instructions, cut it, stitched it, heated up the hot glue gun (that I swear is older than me), and started rolling......and I was really on a roll too!  In fact I rolled it so tight it wouldn't budge.  SO, grabbed the two feet of this stuff I had left and tried it again!  It may not be perfect, but it was an accomplishment for me......not that I'll ever do one again though!

The hot glue gun is NOT my friend!  I hate those things and guess that's why I've never bought one of the newer, sleeker, smaller ones.  Mine is so old and gunked up with glue and it uses those big fat glue sticks - not the skinny kind you see now.  The glue won't even go through the gun anymore so if I need two hands for the project, I have to bend down and use my teeth to press the glue through.  Not a pretty site at all!!!  I only burned myself once or twice doing all this, so that was a plus.

This flower and card were actually done for two reasons - I wanted to enter the challenge at Marks Finest Papers (to use Ric-Rac) and also for a SCS group I belong to called Stamp Addicts.  We have a  challenge among ourselves ever so often to try a different technique.  The technique this month was to make a flower.  Next time I think I'd just punch out a bunch of flowers and glue them together!  LOL!

Thanks for stopping by.........I won't be around much this weekend, but will check back with everyone on Sunday or Monday.



Tammy said...

Oh Lynn, you're too funny! I'm with you on the glue guns though! The results are definitely worth the effort! Lovely card!

Veronica Z said...

Lynn, as soon as I saw this in my blog feed I knew I had to come tell you how much I LOVE this card!

Doreen said...

Love the design of this gorgoeus

McCrafty's Cards said...

Beautiful card Lynn, I like the papers and the rose.
Kevin xx

Anne Temple said...

Wow, your flower looks amazing! It's always fun to try new techniques and have them work out. I think you need to put a sleek, new skinny glue gun on your wish list for Christmas :-)

Donna Hanley said...

This is a great accomplishment in my book, one that I would not be able to do, I'm sure. So my hat is off to you. YAY Lynn!!!!! You did a fabulous job. I love the three stripes going down the card also as well as the sentiment and pearls. What do you mean you won't be around much this weekend??? How will I get through the weekend without my Lynn fix???LOL Whatever is keeping you away, I am hoping your enjoy yourself.

Margaret said...

Wow! That is just gorgeous! Could I get you to make me a bunch in different colors and sizes? LOL! I can just imagine you using your teeth to do this. Your card is beautiful!

Jessi Fogan said...

ACK! Don't use your teeth! (Says the girl who does it all the time....such a bad idea, though!) You can pick up a mini gun at the dollar store (or Walmart or similar) that uses 'low temp' sticks for less than $5. It's at least worth it to have a hand free ;) And by low temp, they mean 'only leaves a 1st degree burn.' Just to clarify ;)
I love how your ric-rac flower turned out! Don't forget to frame it if it'll be the only one :)

Melissa said...

That's one gorgeous flower, Lynn! WOW! I've never attempted to make anything with hot glue and that's probably a very good thing! :)

NanaConnie said...

WOW! I've never even tried one of those, Lynn, so I'm really impressed with your flower. Love it in red and the way you used it on the card. Fantastic with the pearl !

Faye said...

Lynn. I love it. I love the layout, the colours, the super ric rac flower. I love it all. X

MiamiKel said...

Well my stars never say never!! This is fantabulous!! I don't think I could do this if I had an instructor AND all the supplies :) well done, Lynn!! Xoxo

Marilyn said...

Gorgeous card Lynn - I didn't even know you could make roses out of ric-rac! I love the way you did those banners too.

kiwimeskreations said...

Love your card Lynn - great flower, despite the trauma.... It looks really professional, and really great mounted on the red and white,

Ellen Taylor said...

Stunning ric rac flower Lynn! I just might have to try that! Love the gingham and red! A stunning card! Kudos!

Karen said...

Your flower is fabulous Lynn. I have never tried this technique but you have inspired me to go with it. As for glue guns, mine is ancient as well and I am constantly burning myself with the glue. Glad to see that you survived the glue gun.

Carol L said...

You did a fabulous job with your flower in spite of the hot glue gun frustrations! I too have a dinosaur hot glue gun that takes those big ole fat glue sticks - I had no idea the newer ones were different! LOL I live under a rock most days I guess :)
Your card is a stunning beauty! Not only is the flower gorgeous, but the banners look great too!
Enjoy your weekend and hurry back :)

Winnie and Patty said...

What a beautiful card!!!! Thanks for playing along with us this week at Speedy Fox & Friends blog challenge.

Bonnie said...

This flower is gorgeous, Lynn! I love your explanation of the glue gun and wish you could have got a picture of it! I hated my glue guns so bad that I must have sold both of them when we moved. I meant to keep the small one since the burn scars were smaller with that one and the glue seemed to move through better. I really haven't missed them enough to go out and buy one.

Not only is the flower gorgeous, but it's so pretty on the banners. I love this layout and the red and white. A great formula for happiness!

Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

Well it looks pretty damn perfect to me! I have to say I don't approve the squeezing with your teeth technique though!

Pat said...

Awesome...Ingenious... Thanks for joining Speedy Fox and Friends.

gale said...

Gorgeous flower! I need to try this and make one for my dd to wear in her hair. I am not a big fan of the glue gun either-and it made me laugh to read your post because I got a little one to use for some halloween crafting and the dang stick wouldn't go through so I'm holding my project in one hand, my glue gun in the other, and using my face-yes, my face-to push the stupid stick through. ugh.

Monica said...

Hi Lynn, I agree with you, I am not a big fan of a hot glue gun. I have it lying with me but hardly ever use it - bought it some 6 years ago!!!
This flower is simply BEAUTIFUL. Please, please make more of them. It looks like a perfect flower - better than any store bought one.
Super card as ever.

Vicky Hayes said...

The flower and the whole card is absolutely stunning Lynn even though it sounds like you paid in blood, sweat and tears! Maybe you could file that glue gun in the bin?!

Karen P said...

this is gorgeous! love the ric rac flower but i hate my glue gun too! i get burnt way too often, will have to see if i can find the tutorial for the flower though! x

stampingbowd said...

I am sure sorry you had trouble with this ric rac flower but it's stunning!!!! You did an awesome job on it!!!! Gorgeous card!!! THanks for joining Speedy Fox and Friends

Mary Marsh said...

I love your rick rack flower-it turned out beautifully Lynn-I bought one of those flower dies and I still cant get it right (lol)

Davi said...

Well Lynn you gave me a great laugh with the visual! Im so glad to know that Im not the only one using teeth toes and elbows :) However it was worth it all because I LOVE your flower and the card is Gorgeous!!

Shannon White said...

Wowie Lynn! This is Soo Pretty Pretty!! LOVe your Wonderful card & Beautiful ric-rac flower! And do I ever know what you mean about hot glue guns, I do have a small one, but takes forever to heat up and then I end up with burned fingers and glue everywhere, lo it's not a pretty sight on this end either, lol


Tammy said...

WOW Lynn your flower is GORGEOUS, I love it! Beautiful CAS card!
Tammy x

Erum Tasneem said...

Oh my god! you wont believe it if i tell you that sometimes i have to do the pushing-with-teeth thing too LOL!! but you gotta do what you gotta do! hehe

Erum Tasneem said...

and in pure excitement i forgot- the flower looks absolutely cute, will try it for sure.

Lynn McAuley said...

An awesome ric-rac rose, Lynn!! Perfect with your fishtail banners!!

Shelly Schmidt said...

Love your Ric-Rac rose- and the DSp and pearls and bow! A perfect idea for a layout too!

Margaret said...

That is one gorgeous flower and I love the banners!!
Still chuckling over the image of you and the glue gun!

MaryH said...

Enjoyed your story of your labors with this flower. I think you did a beautiful flower. I have trouble at the very last, where you 'seat the flower' onto the little 'tab thing-a-ma-bob'. I try occasionally, then give up in despair. Your attempt looks great to me. Once again, I love this color combo, and your rickrack flower is very pretty. Give yourself a big pat on the back, you CAN be proud of your red flower!! HUGS

Nancy in Iowa said...

I'm still chuckling over your glue gun story. You, gun, teeth, I conjured up quite an image. You are so funny!. I don't even think I can find my hot glue gun. I too have one with the fat sticks and it SUPER heats...I think I put it some place where I COULDN'T find it - I was tired of having NO finger prints! Funny Funny story - Beautiful card!

Leslie Hanna said...

I love rolled flowers, but I won't go near a hot glue gun. I like to let the felt or paper loosen up a bit before I glue the bottom to hold it together.

Yeah, I can see the teeth thing, too. I'd have a tough time explaining those burns next day at work ...

Darlene said...

Woot Woot!!!!! Girl, this is GREAT!! I never thought of using Rick Rack. Thanks for the idea! But, seriously, using your teeth with the glue gun is above and beyond. Hazard pay is warranted!

I love it though! But, yeah, maybe stick to punching and glue sticks? Hugs!