Monday, October 14, 2013

CAS Heart

It's been a l-o-n-g time since I dragged out my alphabet stamps - but that's what I did when I first started creating this card!  I always forget about having them - and usually there's one of two letters missing from the set!  Ah.....what can I say!  They just have a way of vanishing!  I'm SURE it couldn't have anything to do with me! 

I started off with a piece of white textured card stock and layered it on black.  The heart is from SU and was punched out.  The "i" is from a very old alphabet stamp set (CTMH) and the "you" from part of a sentiment (SSS Kit of the Month).  I added some glossy accents to that one little solid red heart but you really can't see that in the photo. 

Anyway, a quick "I love you" card!

I used the sketch from CASE this Sketch and will enter it in their challenge.
Thanks for stopping by.........


Anonymous said...

Oh I love it. I was thinking of doing the challenge also this morning. These are my favorite types of card, CAS and Love all wrapped up in one. Enjoy your day, Lynn.

Monica said...

Hi Lynn, this is so refreshing for me as I am just making Christmas or Diwali cards most of the time.
I like this big heart with tiny hearts inside and the feel of it all. Lots of white space to breathe. Perfect for a Less is More challenge. Lol.

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

this is really gorgeous lynn! a great take on the sketch... so simple and elegant... its perfect! :D

Tammy said...

The missing letters are probably with the missing socks! Wonderful card Lynn, love its simplicity!

Anne Temple said...

So sweet and perfect for any time of the year.

Davi said...

That is a beautiful CAS Lynn! Love the way the heart pops out !! Ahhh the missing pieces, I know the gremlins come in the night at my house :)

Carol L said...

You always do CAS so well Lynn, and I love your take on this fun sketch! I rarely remember to use my alpha stamps, so thanks for the reminder!

Lynn McAuley said...

Fabulous work on this sweet CAS design, Lynn!

Benzi said...

Lynn, this is sure a gorgeous CAS card and I do love that type card.

I was just on someone else's blog and they said the pixie was taking things from their craft room. Had an item one minute and the next gone. Maybe you have one, too. Ha

Linda Simpson said...

Such an elegant CAS card Lynn, you do these so well!

Linda xxx

Deepti said...

Oh this is perfectly CAS, I love that heart with mini hearts :) beautiful card Lynn :)

MaryH said...

Ah, you're back in your CAS element with this one! So very pretty, and even though I couldn't see your G.A. on the solid, that was a nifty touch. The solid drew the eye right in on the heart. Really loved this one...Great card. TFS & Hugs

MiamiKel said...

Fun card!!

Tammy said...

Beautiful CAS card Lynn, I love that heart stamp!
Tammy x

Bonnie said...

I love all the white space and that bit of black really sets it off! Such a pretty heart! Such a pretty card!

NanaConnie said...

Wonderfully creative use of that sketch, Lynn! Love the idea of the Glossy Accents on the little red heart. I can solve the missing alphabet stamps mystery. When they are hidden away & unused for too long, one or two of them fall in love and elope, never to be seen again. :-D

Jessi Fogan said...

You ever notice it's never the X or something that gets lost either...for me it's usually the E or L, something I use all the time *facepalm*
This is so perfectly CAS. I love it :)

Diane said...

Beautifully done, and I LOVE your take on the sketch!!

Joni Andaya said...

Love your take on the sketch! Amazing!

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

Lynn, this is a beautiful CAS card!

Leigh Penner said...

Lovely! Wonderful take on the sketch!

Kat W said...

This is fabulous - a perfect CAS layout and super creative use of the stamps :-)
Hugs, Kat x

Joan Ervin said...

I love your take on the challenge, Lynn...your I Love You card is an awesome CAS design!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous card-Love how clean and simple this is Lynn-makes your lovely heart really pop!
Hugs,Nessa xx

Faye Wynn-Jones said...

Oh, I love this, I really, really love it! X

Lesley said...

I love this card to simple but so briliant best wishes Lesley x

Shelly Schmidt said...

I {HEART} this card!!!

Nancy in Iowa said... perfect! I really need to work on my CAS skills.

I'm looking forward to the Pinspirational DT....I think! not a big as a commitment as others. I'll just take it week at a time! You inspired me to give it a go!

kiwimeskreations said...

Wow Lynne you really rocked this one - love it!!

Betty said...

Love your CAS design. Great card. Thanks for playing along with us in the CAS(E) this sketch! challenge and hope to see you again.

Michelle said...

Crisp, clean, beautiful! Great take on the CTS #49 sketch... thanks for joining us!

Margaret said...

Fabulous CAS card! Had to chuckle at the lost letters! One of my favorite alpha sets is missing four letters...and I have absolutely NO idea where they could have gone!