Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy Loving

I used to be the most organized person I know and have no idea what happened to all that!  Now I'm always running around like a chicken with its head cut off and flying by the seat of my pants!  It just dawned on me that I had to get an anniversary card out to Jim's sister and brother in law - and do it quick!  I swear she watches the mailbox and phone to make sure everyone acknowledges her special days.  You just better not miss it either!

I quickly colored up this Art Impressions stamp with Copics on Very Vanilla card stock, added that strip of paper on the side (because it was sitting on my desk and would have been tossed otherwise), added the twine, and called it done.  Whew!  This really reminds me of them except she would have been carrying a pink purse instead of a brown one.  Everything has to match or she doesn't leave the house.  I'm one to check and just make sure I have on my pants and they're not wrong side out or something!

Thanks for stopping by..............I'm going to take a few days off around here and see if I can't re-charge my batteries.  I'll see everyone soon!  I DO have a couple of photos of Rambo coming next week but be warned:  Viewer Discretion Advised!!!!



Di said...

Oh Lynn, you little scallywag! Brilliant card and what you wrote in your post had me giggling away here! Enjoy your little break from blogging - but don't forget to come back!


Di xx

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

I have this stamp, I love this stamp! I always say it is Jim and I sitting outback feeding the squirrels once we retire. We won't be able to afford anything else!

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

I clicked too soon..... LOL! I am very curious about the pics of Rambo. Love the way you did this old couple!

Liz said...

A wonderful card with a fantastic image. I love it!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who sometimes remembers at the last minute that a card is needed. :-) xx

Anonymous said...

What a great card. Great use of the spare piece of paper sitting there on your desk. I think you and I must be sisters because when you described you (both past and present) it was like you were talking about me. What happened to us? Retirement, old age? Anyway wishing you a great few days off, you deserve them and I can't wait to see the pictures of Rambo.

Doreen said...

Love the fab image,this is

*Vicki* said...

Lynn, this is really awesome! Such a cute couple and you've colored it in so beautifully!! Love the plaid paper strip!! :) Happy Friday!! YAY!

Deepti said...

This is such an adorable image :) I would want to give this card to my husband when we grow that old ;) your coloring is fabulous!

Shawna said...

I have a friend like that! As for being organized, I have come full circle and am now in the process of downsizing. Man, what a job, but the results have been fabulous. The only rooms still left are my craft room and the garage. I would rather eat nails than dig into that craft room, but.................
Love your sweet little image and the coloring is great. As ALWAYS! Enjoy your time away.

Linda Simpson said...

Oh my Lynn you do make me chuckle! A fabulous card which I am sure will be treasured. Enjoy your rest and see you soon.
Linda xxx

Brenda said...

I used to be very organized too Lynn, but somehow I'm not anymore either! lol I fly by the seat of my pants all the time now, so you aren't alone in that. This card is adorable!! I love that couple and I love how you have colored them. That piece of scrap paper works perfectly on this card. Egads, I'm not at all a matchy person. lol Like you I am good if I get out the house without my shirt being on inside out. I can't tell you how many times I've had my shirt on inside out!!!! Duh! How does that happen?! lol Hugs, Brenda

Carol L said...

This could be the hubs and me sitting on the porch, except we have separate chairs now! LOL Fun story behind the card, and what a perfect match that plaid strip of dsp is! Enjoy your break, but make sure you come back now, ya hear??

Lisa said...

This is so adorable!! What a fun image!! You colored them perfectly!! That strip of plaid down the side is fabulous!! Enjoy your bloggy break and have a great weekend :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Chrissy said...

What a super sweet couple Lynn..fab colouring...wonder if she notices the purse isn't pink!..hope you have a good rest with your pants on and in the right way...wouldn't be the first time I've gone to work with my shirt inside out, and only noticed as I was looking for the pocket..take care.


Tammy said...

OMGoodness what a fun image and adorable couple! Too darn cute and fabulously colored! I'm sure your inlaws will appreciate your thoughtfulness!

Kristie W. said...

This is such a sweet image for an anniversary card. It may have been quick but it's certainly well done! Enjoy your break :)

McCrafty's Cards said...

I am sure Jim's Sister & Brother in law will love this card Lynn, that stamp is brilliant wonderful card
Kevin xx

Irish Cherokee said...

I k now the feeling lately..about the last 20 years or so. LOL. I have to make sure both shoes are the same and that they are one right and one left foot.
Excellent card Lynn. Great coloring. It would seem they forgot it is summer. "Whew. Is it warm in here?" LOL

Love, Hugs and Blessings

Bonnie said...

You did an awesome job of getting this done in a flash, Lynn! Beautifully colored, brown purse and all! Hope you get some rest and relaxation. Enjoy!

Bonnie said...

Oh, and thanks so much for the birthday wishes!

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Lynn this is so cute!! I do hope it arrived in time and was appreciated. Pity about the handbag not matching ;-)....

NanaConnie said...

I LOVE THIS CARD!!! I want that image and, right now, I wish I was your sister-in-law so that the card would be on its way to my mailbox. lol But I'm not organized or focused (?) enough to be her so ... I love the way you pull things together with scraps that end up looking like they've been carefully planned and laid out ahead of time. I wish I had that kind of creativity. It seems to me that my CAS designs take more planning than the fussy and frilly ones. I need to come to your house and take lessons. Enjoy your recharge time, my friend. See you sometime next week.

NanaConnie said...

PS Your tease about the Rambo photos has me on pins and needles. Can hardly wait. :-D

Lori Kobular said...

You are too funny! I sure hope your sister-in-law doesn't read your blog! LOL! I love the image and especially the strip of paper on the edge, it just adds that little something special to your adorable card!

MiamiKel said...

Oh how funny, Lynn - I sure hope she loves your card! An doesn't read your blog, LOL! I know just what you mean about not knowing up from down :)

Sassy Raggedy said...

Cute story...Your card is adorable. Hugs, joann

Becca Cruger said...

This card made me break out in a big ol' grin! It's sooooo sweet and nostalgic. Love the plaid with the twine.

Tammy said...

Fabulous Anniversary card Lynn!! I LOVE that image and you've colored it beautifully, perfect CAS design! Your family will love it!
Hugs, Tammy

Davi said...

LOL Lynn good thing you remembered or might have been in some deep stuff!! This card is just to cute and looks about like I feel, lucky to be sitting upright haha! Rest up on your little break :)

Monica said...

Such realistic colouring and I love the colouring even though it was so quick. Well, I am also like a chicken without her head. It is summer break and it takes a lot of me to stay smiling and patient.

Super card,


Lynn McAuley said...

This sweet couple make the perfect anniversary card, Lynn!! I know your sister-in-law will be pleased!!

Barb said...

This is so such a hoot. Love the card.

Jacee said...

Great card Lynn, love the old codgers, they're great!
hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

Stamping Smiles Designs said...

Lynn! You are too funny!! This image on your card is adorable! Love that extra strip of patterned paper on the side. I think it really gives the design an extra oomph!

Sue said...

LOL fabulous card Lynn I'm trying frantically to catch up again! and I've missed a couple of your fab cards...totally love them!! huggles Sue xxx

Joan Ervin said...

I had to laugh at your post because I just finished a quick birthday card tonight for my DIL...we will be seeing them tomorrow and I nearly forgot!! Your card is adorable with that cute couple and the paper strip...she is going to love it!!!

Unknown said...

Lynn, I found your site by following links and am so glad I did. Seldom do so many cards cause me to laugh out loud or just smile. I so enjoyed all that I saw. Thank you. I have signed up to follow you but I do not have a blog. I'm not sure what Google has me down as. My e-mail is bbcisaac@gmail if you need it for anything. It's obvious I don't know what I'm doing.

But Thanks Again for brightening my day. Brenda Carswell, NC

MaryH said...

This post made me laugh. I think we must share some relatives! I also think someone has taken over my formerly very organized body and turned it into a most disorganized, lazy & forgetful ole lady! Ditto on the check of clothing when leaving the house. This card is adorable, beautifully colored and I like the plaid border. Surely doesn't look like a 'fast card' at all. Your SIL will love getting this one in the mailbox! Well done! Looking forward to some good Rambo pictures. Hugs & Have a great wkend. Enjoy your little 'blog vacation'.

Shelly Schmidt said...

How fun- love this CAS but perfectly executed card- LOVE the strip of DP down the side to POP the color! Fun Anniversary card- great image.

nwilliams6 said...

What a fun image and it makes a perfect anniversary Card. I can relate to your comment about being organized. I was never really that organized but I knew where things were and now I spend a lot of time trying to find things. Makes things interesting anyway! Hugz

Margaret said...

Such a cute image and great coloring. I know that it will be truly appreciated.

scrappymo! said...

This is just the cutest card ever. Gorgeous colouring and such a fabulous stamp!

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

WOW! Such a beautiful card, Lynn!