Tuesday, January 5, 2016

....and then it was 2016

No card today, but yes, I'm still alive and kicking (just not very high).  I won't bore you too long but still wanted to let you know I'll be back soon with a card or two hopefully.

Christmas was great and I got to spend time with the kiddos which was really nice.  It wasn't even one of those times when you stand on the front porch as they're driving off and have a big smile on your face thinking " whew! thank goodness"!!!  LOL!   My daughter came for a week and then my son and his crew arrived...........and then my internet died an ugly death!  Ok, no problem.  That means I can get some things done around the house.  Well, hello.....there's only so much cleaning a person can do.  After six days of no internet I was climbing the walls but they got it all repaired yesterday so I'm back among the living once more!   Right in the middle of all this Jim decides to have a medical issue. (He's doing a little better now)  Not fair at all......We ate our black eyed peas on New Years for good luck and even threw in some pork and sauerkraut for good measure - so where's the luck!  I'm still shoving black eyed peas in him but think he may be getting a little tired of them now though.

I'll slowly get back in the swing on things soon.  Will try to get around to everyone's blog at some point in time this week too!

Thanks for stopping by........


Lesley said...

glad your back on line - as for cleaning crafting is better - best wishes Lesley x

Linda Simpson said...

Hello Lynn and Happy New Year to you and Jim! Sorry to hear he hasn't been well and hope he recovers soon. How awful not to have any internet! Looking forward to seeing what you create this year.
Linda xxx

Chrissy said...

It makes a lovely change when there is no { Phew ] after a visit from family..I get those sometimes..lol..hope all goes well for 2016..maybe not the great start you were hoping for but all the black eyed peas, pork and sauerkraut must be working somewhere..lol..Wishing you all best Lynn..


Jacee said...

Sounds like you've had a right time of it Lynn, look forward to your new creations, not really back in the swing of things myself yet.
Hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

Shelly Schmidt said...

Sounds like a fab Christmas, except for Jim having a med issue- so sorry about that! Keep pumping the black eyed peas into both of you!!! And, glad to see you back with internet- stopping by your blog always puts a big smile on my face! I wish for you many blessings in 2016!

Lisa said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your family, Lynn. I hope and pray your husband is doing better each day. I can't imagine 6 days without the internet!! Happy new year!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Lynn, 'bout time that Jim of yours behaved himself!! More medical issues at this time of the year - it's just not on :-(
Hugs and prayers and blessings

Brenda said...

I know the internet takes up a lot of our time, but when we don't have it, it is so boring. lol Cleaning, yes we can do that, but like you said, there is only so much cleaning one can take! Everyone is sick all over the country. I'm not sure what is going on, but I am blaming it on this crazy weather. I didn't eat any pork or sauerkraut, which I love, so I guess no good luck for me. I did eat taco soup instead, so maybe I will get some luck from the beans. Take care Lynn and take care of the Mister! Hugs, Brenda

Carol L said...

I'm sorry to hear Jim had another medical issue, but happy at the same time you got to spend time with your family during the holidays. I hope your luck turns around too. Ours was unbelievably bad just before Christmas, but we're still kickin' too. Here's wishing you a healthy & happy new year in 2016.

Bonnie said...

Sorry the year is off to a bum start, Lynn. Hopefully it's only up from here. Take care of yourself as well as Jim. Sending healing hugs and prayers.

NanaConnie said...

Keeping you both in prayers, my dear friend. So glad you're connected again. :-D

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back with us. It is funny thinking about just how much we rely on these dang computers, especially people in our age group who grew up and made it through life without a cell phone, computers or anything like that. Praying for Jim and hoping that black eye peas do the trick. Just don't get run down trying to clean to much, you know it will all be there later on. Happy New Year.

Kat W said...

It seems your start to 2016 has been a little up and down but I hope things are all on the up from here.
Big hugs, Kat xx

lauren bergold said...

oh holy wow, sounds like you've had a pretty eventful new year so far! hope things will settle down and be CALM for a bit now! xoxoxoxoxo lauren

Chriss America Real said...

Give Jim a big hug from me! Hope to see you back soon!

Lori Kobular said...

Sorry to hear that your husband had a medical issue, I hope he feels better soon. I sometimes think I would get more done if I didn't have the Internet, but then I would probably go crazy without it! I am glad that you had a wonderful Christmas! We did too! I look forward to seeing your creations real soon! Happy and Healthy New Year!

Tammy said...

I'm glad you had a great Christmas Lynn! Hopefully 2016 will get better for you and Jim... sending hugs and prayers.
Tammy x

Lynn McAuley said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed that Jim has the worst behind him for the new year! Ain't nobody got time for that! Rough year past, better one coming!

Hugs and best wishes for you both in the new year!

Davi said...

Lynn so glad you had some time to create! The little kitties are sooo cute, I love them and your card! The sweet hearts make it a the best little way to say ILU! Praying that Jim is recovery quickly and that the year gets better every day :) hugs

Tracy Freeman said...

Hiya Lynn,
Happy new year to you, Jim and Family.
So pleased you had such a lovely Christmas, I know last year wasn't a good one for you at times but I wish you nothing but happiness for 2016 xxx

Margaret said...

Hope Jim is doing much better now and that the black-eyed peas are now history-yucky... :)

Anne Temple said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas with your family and sad to hear Jim had a set back. Praying that Jim's health gets better and that all of you have a happy and healthy 2016.