Friday, February 19, 2016

Back in the Saddle and Some Changes

This card recently went to a very sweet blogging buddy, Nana Connie, who's had a small set-back recently.  I know it's slowed  her down a bit for now but also know she'll be as good as new soon.  That blue you see in the background on here is actually purple (her favorite color) and if I'm not mistaken Connie has the same problems photographing purple and having it come out blue - so guess we're just two of a kind on that one.

The images and sentiment are from My Favorite Things and then I added a fun sun and tiny cloud - and that cute MFT Peek-A-Boo Window die.

Changes.............  I finally realized I've been killing myself trying to keep up with commenting, making cards,  and everything else that has to be done around here - and I can't continue that if I want to keep what little sanity I have left.  I just can't do it anymore and it is what it is.  Sooooo, as you've already noticed, I won't be around every day like I've been in the past to see your wonderful cards.  I will pop in when I can though.  Everything is ok but it's just a busy and stressful time in my life right now.  

Thanks for stopping by.........and I appreciate each and every one of you so much.  Remember to SMILE!


Linda Simpson said...

Fabulous card Lynn! I look forward to visiting and hope you take the time to need for other important jobs. Take care and thinking of you both.
Linda xxx

*Vicki* said...

AWE!! I'm sure that Connie really loved this card from you Lynn! I don't know what's happening with her, but wishing her well and hope she is healthy! I agree that some purples just don't show up quite right in photos! :)

As for how you feel, I can totally understand where you've coming from my dear!! I understand completely and don't blame you! Please don't EVER feel like you *HAVE* to leave me a comment just because I did!! LOL!! This doesn't make what we do very much fun at all!!

Sending you biggest hugs and best wishes!!

Chrissy said...

Fabulous card Lynn and I'm sure Connie will love it too..very cute scene and a lovely clean it. Take it easy and look after yourself..we will all still be here when you can visit..


Marilyn said...

Loving this card and the cute little scene you created.
That's it Lynn... been looking at that Peek a Boo window die and wondering if I really need it. What was I thinking... of course I do!

Becky said...

This is just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Connie is going to adore this one. Isn't it funny how some colors just don't want to photograph right? I have those same problems. I, for one, completely the changes that have to take place in your life and completely understand. You do what is best for your sanity and health and don't worry about anyone or anything else. I just hope you find some down time (even if it only a few minutes) every day. You need it my friend.

Lisa said...

This is so sweet!! The image is adorable!! I love the design!! What a fabulous card for your friend!!

I need to make a change, too...I spend more time commenting than I do in my craft room. Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Anne Temple said...

This is adorable and I know Connie will love it! I completely understand about commenting - I can only get around to it every couple weeks. Family is always first priority.

Di said...

Hi Lynn - what a perfect card for your bloggy friend! You really do come up trumps with your cards.

Don't worry one jot about commenting or posting/visiting regularly. Real life is much more important! We'll still be here following you anyhow so if and when you feel there's time to play and post then we should pick it up!

Take care


Di xx

Tammy said...

Absolutely adorable and I'm sure Connie will love it and love you for sending it! You're a sweetie! and so very creative!

Tammy said...

Adorable card Lynn! I love that little horse and the super fun scene you've created, I bet Nana Connie love it! Changes can be very good Lynn, I think we all understand. Take care of yourself and Jim... Sending big hugs.
Tammy x

Carol L said...

It comes through a vivid purple on my screen, and it's as cute as all get-out! (or should I say cute as all giddyup?) Anyway, I love the card, and especially that cute polka dotted sun. Take all the time you need for yourself Lynn - life changes for all of us at some time or another, and we have to roll with the flow as it comes to us. Do what you must, and do what you enjoy - that's all any of us can do! TC and know I send hugs!

Susan said...

Adorable card! Love that window opening die. Hope all is well and that you're able to rest and regroup regularly! Hugs!

kiwimeskreations said...

What a cutie card Lynn, and sure to cheer Nana Connie.
I hear you when you say you have to step back a bit - take care of yourself and the rest will fall into place, even if the blog and cardmaking has to take a back seat for a time.
Hugs and blessings

Davi said...

Lynn what a cute card for NC! Im sure she appreciated it!! Im with you I comment when I can but working 10 hrs a day and having to do all that hubby cant just doesnt leave much time! Take care of yourself and Jim first and formost :)

KT Fit Kitty said...

Such a cute card, Lynn! The peek-a-boo window is adorable! No worries about commenting, Lynn! I find it hard to keep up myself. Focus on your priorities and let go of the rest! Life is short!

Kristie W. said...

Lynn, I am so sorry you have felt stressed with trying to keep up with the crafty world. I hope freeing yourself of this stress will help you enjoy your crafty and computer time when you are feeling up to it.

As for your card, it's super cute! I like the scene you created using the window cut out. I am sure your friend will love it too!

MaryH said...

It's absolutely darling, and a thoughtful card for your friend. I hope things mend ok for her. Also on your 'things changing', you have some serious priorities just now. So you handle those things, take time for yourself, and when you have time to visit, blog, post, whatever, know that we'll all be so happy to see you. Just do what you must at this point, and don't sweat the small stuff! Big hugs, and TFS such a cute, well designd and 'happy' card.

Lori Kobular said...

Oh Lynn, I completely understand how something that was fun can turn into a chore! Please, please, please don't ever feel like you have to leave a comment on some card. This creative process is supposed to be about relieving stress and letting our creativity flow, not about keeping up with comments. I know you are going through a tough time and that every second of your day is accounted for. I love stopping by your blog to see the adorable and funny cards that you make, you have always been a great source of positive feedback. Now you must take care of yourself, be gentle with yourself and don't put any extra stress on yourself. Now onto your awesome card for a blogging friend!

I love this adorable card and that sentiment! The window die is perfect! I am sure this made Nana Connie very happy to know that you were thinking of her! I have wished many times that I had your address to send you a card just to let you know I am thinking about you!

Tracy Freeman said...

The card is perfect in everyway Lynn.

I know how it can be, life can be crazy at times. Take care of yourself and Jim and please don't ever stress about not stopping by my blog, just as long as you are well that is the main thing xxx

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) said...

How cute!!!

Bonnie said...

Lynn, I've wondered how you do all the commenting. Your sanity is the most important thing. I totally understand and realized a long time ago that I can't comment as much as I'd like. Take time for yourself. xoxo

Bonnie said...

Oh, and I love this card whether it's blue or purple. That window die is calling my name!

Lynn McAuley said...

I love this fabulous card for Connie! We Texans and our horses can't be separated for long!

No judgments here on the life priorities you are making, Lynn. Know that I will be following your delightful work whenever you have time to post, no matter what!

Hugs and best wishes.

Brenda said...

This is an adorable card Lynn! I love that cute horse...heck I love the whole scene. I hope it makes Nana Connie smile because it sure made me smile. Lynn, you do what you need to do. It's a lot to keep up with at home and then all the crafty blogs as well. I want to tell people to stop creating so fast!!! I can't keep up either, so I pop in when I have the time with some. Life has changed in our lives and we have to change with it. We do what we gotta do and don't you feel guilty about it either my friend!! Big Hugs, Brenda

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Remember that this craft is suppose to be fun. I must admit that the blogging part has not been fun for me lately, either. You must do what is right for you and just know you are thought of often. I do see a very royal purple for your background and I must be truthful, that peek a boo die may be my next indulgence. Hugs from PA.

Tracey said...

Wonderful card Lynn, Connie will love it :o)

junemac2 said...

Super cute. Love this. x

Diane said...

Fabulous card Lynn what an adorable little horse.

Hugs Diane

kel Acopan said...

so cute lynn! what a sweet thing to send a handmade card to a friend!! and yes, sanity first!! hugs!!

lovies, =o) kel

nwilliams6 said...

I love this card, Lynn. Such a cheerful, sweet, and darling design, image, and sentiment. The perfect get well card. I know Nana Connie will love it.

I totally understand on the commenting - I am already right there with you. I only visit a small group of people (you are one). Just keeping posting so we know how you are doing and we can see your super fun creations. Hope things settle down for you soon! A bunch of hugz!

lauren bergold said...

i totally see (& LOOOOOVE) the purple sky! it is awesome, as is everything else about this lovely card, including the fact that you made it extra special for your friend!

PS: well done, you for making a really GOOD DECISION in favor of sanity!!! i guarantee that EVERYONE worth considering will understand completely! meanwhile, sending lots of ♥♥♥'s and hope that the new definition of normal will become easier and smoother on a day to day basis. (ps: i vote that whenever you get a little time to yourself you MAKE STUFF and we'll all come and comment to YOU!!!!!!) ♥♥♥

Shelly Schmidt said...

I love this scene- you are so good at card making...! Love the window you made too. So nice of you to send a card to a friend too..... Sending you Thoughts and Hugs.

NanaConnie said...

thanks so much, lynn.

scrappymo! said...

Cute, Cute, Cute!!!
I showed this to my grandaughter who is horse mad. She has pinned it to my horse card blog and is gong to give it a try. She is only 9 and so busy that she has given up taking time to blog her cards.
We totally understand about your lack of time. We are in the same boat. In fact for the last 2 or 3 months of 2015, I barely managed to post my cards. The business of life, family committmnets, friends and health issues, kept me from blogging and commenting like I used to.

I think everyone understands as many have the same types of time constraints. Love to see your posts...never worry about getting round to visit me as I totally understand!

JD/ Jill said...

Adorable card.

I so understand what you are saying. That's been the same for me...I have such trouble keeping up, and my hurting shoulder is telling me to stay off the computer more...

Evie said...

Such a cute card, such a fab image. Love it.


Daria said...

Terrific card! This fun card is sure to make anyone feel better. TFS.