Friday, June 10, 2016

I Know Not What I Do

The title of this pretty well sums up my whole life sometimes - but in this case, I'm talking about my card.  I made this several weeks ago (and yes, I know it's been a while since you've seen me) and really don't remember everything I did on this.

After seeing a card on Mary's blog (Carolina Cards by Mary) and a link she had, I figured I'd attempt to emboss a stencil.  So....... embossed a Memory Box stencil and then covered it with distress inks.The centers of the flowers started out as yellow, but duh.....if you mix yellow and blue you get more of a green color.  After that I used Perfect Pearls all over the card and then added the die cut "happy" in gold and stamped the "birthday" part.  I must have taken 20 pictures of this card and just couldn't get it to look right.  Don't know if it's from the shine of the Perfect Pearls or what.  And speaking of pearls......yep, I added a couple of those too.

Everything is fine in our neck of the woods even though I haven't been blogging lately.  Lots of flooding in Texas recently but luckily we escaped it here at the house.  I lost the internet connection for several days which is not fun at all!  Other than that, it's been one doctor appointment after the next for Jim.  Got to see a cutie pie of one earlier this week and I really, really, REALLY wanted to bring him home with me - but sadly Jim said he was tired of doctors and didn't want to have to live with one too!   Also had the flooring changed in the laundry/craft room (don't laugh!  It's not so bad when I can work on a card and then swivel the chair around and toss clothes in the washer and dryer)!  That was a nightmare hauling all the crapola out of there.  When it came time to put it back in I considered going through all my craft stuff first and tossing things - and then my brain clicked in and just shoved it all back where it came from.  Good idea, Lynn!

Anyway......thanks so much for stopping by and I'll try to post a little more when I can.  I appreciate you hanging in there with me.



Lisa said...

Your card is stunning, Lynn!! The colors look amazing!! I love the pops of yellowy-green!! They really highlight the flowers perfectly!! LOL wanting to bring the doctor home :) And Jim's response :) My craft room is across from the laundry room, so I'm able to kill two birds with one stone most of the time!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Tracy Freeman said...

Hiya Lynn, life sounds busy ! I hope you and Jim are doing ok.
Great idea about the room !
Stay safe with the weather, I was thinking about you when I saw how bad it was.
Really like the card, never embossed a stencil but going to give it ago :)
Take care 😊 xxx

Tammy said...

Terrific card, love the results, really pretty stencil too! That Jim is being a big meany not letting you bring the cutie-pie doctor home!

*Vicki* said...

Well this looks amazing Lynn!! I've never heard of such a thing!! I might have to check that out, so thanks for sharing the idea!! The colors are so soft and pretty. The design shows up very nicely too! :) Hope you enjoy your weekend AND your stash purging!! HUGS

Anonymous said...

This card looks great. I will have to look up this technique, embossing a stencil. I happen to like the greenish/yellowish color in your flower centers and those pearls look very nice. I also like the two different ways of making you sentiment. I'm am just so glad you were not caught up in those horrible floods. My heart breaks for those people. Also very happy to hear things are getting somewhat back to normal for you and Jim. I have an idea, Maybe you could sneak that cutie pie doctor in and have him just stay in the laundry/craft room. I'm sure Jim doesn't venture in there too often. LOL Enjoy your weekend.

Tammy said...

This is gorgeous Lynn! I love the stenciled you've used and the colors are beautiful! Off to check out that technique.
Tammy x

MaryH said...

Wowzers! This turned out splendidly. Love your color choices, and the EF you picked to try this technique (yes, thanks for the shout out too!) I expect the Pearl shimmer may have affected your photo, but can just imagine the shimmer IRL. Love the gold happy die cut with that solid blue strip too. The pearl centers are a nice touch too! Pretty great for your 1st outing in a bit, in your new not-finished and put-away craft room! Love it!!! TFS & Hugs. Glad Mr Jim is improving a bit. (Is crapola something like Crapalanche? Both have crap in it...I bet it is so. Then again, maybe crapalanche is crapola piled high??? LOL).

Carol L said...

That's a great technique and your card turned out just so so pretty! I love all those embossed flowers and I'm sure it shimmers way more in real life! So glad all's well with you and you've just been busy. Hang in there and take care - miss you much!

Darnell said...

Good to see you, Lynn! I wondered how you were faring in the terrible flooding and I'm glad to hear that your home is okay. More than okay with new flooring, lol! Gosh, you made me laugh about not purging before putting your crap back. Lynn! You should have called and I would have come; you know I LOVE doing that job! I also loved the visual of you rolling across the floor to fold laundry. What a hoot!

Card? Oh. Oh, yes, the card! Well, I give you an A+ for rocking this technique! It's a beauty, even though it gave you fits to photograph it!

Come see us in Blogland when you can, my friend. I got a small (a very small) taste of what you are dealing with as far as doctor appointments and PT appointments when Kevin was injured and my heart goes out to you. It's exhausting, cute doctors or no! I hope you carve out some ME time whenever possible! You know, I mean, not me time, you time!! Hugs, Darnell

kiwimeskreations said...

What a wonderful card Lynn - love your story about the Dr's - know the feeling!!!!

Dr Sonia S V said...

WOW so serenely beautiful ...stunning and I was intrigued to read you made it using a stencil!!

Dr Sonia

NanaConnie said...

Loving the stencil work, Lynn, and am so glad you escaped the flooding. How nice to have new flooring underfoot but even the thought of purging the craft room goodies stashed away makes me cringe! Too much like getting ready to move and I hope I've done that for the last time in my life. But if you ever do that, just throw it all in a box and mail it to me. I'll find room for it, I promise. :-D
You found a cute doctor and didn't sneak him home in your purse or something? OK, well, you can toss him in a box and mail him to me, too.
Good to see you back blogging. Hugs. :-D

Diane said...

Greetings Lynn, love the background design, colors and card.

Hugs diane

Brenda said...

I love this card Lynn and I love that stencil! I don't know what you think you don't know, but looks to me like you know more than you think you know. Did you catch that?! lol Seriously this is a beautiful card and I just love that gold "happy". It's been a busy time for you and then add summer in the mix and it makes for even more chores on top of the doctors and such. Geeze, I think you should have still brought the cutie pie home with you, it would be nice to have a doctor in the house. lol Jim would get used to it.....maybe.....maybe not. Oh well, you tried. Big hugs my friend! Brenda

Kat W said...

I'm glad to hear both you and Jim are doing ok; you seem pretty busy!
It's lovely to see you having time to craft too and your card is simply stunning; I love the inked embossing and the combo of die cut and stamped sentiment :-)
Big hugs, Kat xx

Linda Simpson said...

Hi Lynn, this looks fabulous, love the design. I am having a wonderful time here in the state of Florida with my friend. Go home on Wednesday.
Linda xxx

Sue said...

Gorgeous card Lynn and sounds like you've had fun with your new room! Hope you and your hubby are doing okay and lots of huggles Sue xxx

Bonnie said...

What a pretty design, Lynn! I've discovered that many flowers have a green center especially when you mix blue with yellow! Ask me how I figured that out! Now to remember the next time. I'll bet those pearls really make this shimmer and the camera never likes to get the shimmer and shine. Glad you are high and dry and that Jim is doing OK. Probably best that you didn't go through things. You'll probably need what you would have discarded anyway. Take care....

Margaret said...

This is so pretty Lynn. I love the colors and looks like you had a fun time creating this with all the different little things you added to it. Glad to see you in blogland and hope that you can make heads and tails out of all your stamping stuff and get back to card making. Best to Jim in his health journey.

Mary Anne / MA54K said...

Great card, Lynn! I love the look of this technique, and must sit soon and give this an all day go of it. That is the nice things about doing panels. You can save them and then add the perfect words or embellishment when you find them. I envy you with the new floor. We have been trying to figure out a plan to paint my craft room and when I look at all the hauling, I just put it off. Glad the flooding missed you guys. Dr. visits are no fun, but it sure beats hospital sitting. I think that is one of the most exhausting things to do. Very good to see you.

KT Fit Kitty said...

Hello, Lynn! Your card is gorgeous and I must remember to try this technique - I have tons of stencils and I haven't been using them lately. Sounds like it's still pretty hectic at your house! I had a chuckle about the cute doctor and wanting to bring him home haha. As for moving all your stuff out of your craftroom, I went through the same thing with our house repairs - but I didn't bother to go through anything either - just wanted to get it moved and then put back so I could craft again!

Lynn McAuley said...

Your card is gorgeous, Lynn! I love it!

Glad you were able to stay high dry during the recent floods. Lots of destruction near us, but we are fine, too!

I'm in the market for younger doctors! I want them all to out-live me so I never have to change again!

Chrissy said...

Fancy not letting you have a pet doctor..that was a bit a functional craftroom is a perfect solution..mine is so close to the kitchen I can nibble from the fridge without getting out of my chair..[well, nearly]..A fabulous technique on your card Lynn and I love the colours and pearls centres and also learned the hard way that blue and yellow make green..glad to hear all is okay..take care.


Anne Temple said...

This is such a sweet card. I love the soft colors of the background. Glad to hear things are going ok. :-)

Monica said...

This is beautiful, Lynn and I have been meaning to send you an email asking after you and Jim. I am relieved to know that you are fine and do wish you could have brought the doctor home yet I understand how Jim feels. Lol.

Coming back to your card, the colours are really nice.



Monica said...

So cute and funny. The images make me want to laugh. I like the barbed wire and the embossing.


Shelly Schmidt said...

What a cool background- love the dots of in the centers of the make me smile describing that..... And the die and sentiment are perfect! I think I watched that video- would have to see it again to try it!

MiamiKel said...

Too funny Lynn! While You had to leave the cutie pie behind I'm sure you'll be back for another visit :)
Stunning card and I really like the technique you used the end result is gorgeous !
Glad all is well with you :)

Lori Kobular said...

Lynn ~ I love your card! I think it is very pretty! Glad to hear that you didn't get the flooding by you. Trying to go thru craft stuff is a crazy idea! Whenever I try to re-organize or clean my scrap room I find something I have seen in awhile and I stop cleaning or organizing to play with the new find!

Marilyn said...

This is a super pretty card and I like it a lot.
I hear you about sorting the craft room. I've cleaned mine out a couple times over the years so I could paint and the hallway is piled high with stuff and I wondered how it all fit into a 10x10 room... and how was I going to get it all back in. Funny, but it does go back in... all of it!